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Bennet is more than willing to provide them with all the information he's managed to gather about the facility that is holding his sister. Stephanie and the others listen in but it's Steven that does most of the talking and asking of questions.

Finally, once Bennet has finished telling them what he knows, Steven turns to Stephanie. "What help do you think we can get from the other supers that have bonded to you?"

Stephanie takes her time in answering. She had been more than a little disturbed by the words Bennet had said in regards to the facility. It is far more protected than she had expected and she isn't sure what she can do to help get them inside. "I don't know. I can't ask them to go against this facility when it is so well armed. It would be suicide for them and they have no reason to go against it."

"You are wrong, Stephanie. They promised to serve you, oathed it to you, as long as you are protecting the supernaturals. Destroying this lab and freeing those inside is well with in the parameters of that oath. You can and should call on them to help in this attack, indeed you will need them if you are going to have any chance against them. They are prepared for any one of the supers to come against them, but since the supers are divided and never work together they will be unprepared if we all come against them at the same time. It will confuse and disorganize them when they need to be clear headed and decisive. It will be the only chance we have." Tracey says and Steven agrees with him.

"So Tracey, how many of your people will we be able to count on?" Steven then asks the vampire king.

"How many would you like? My vampires would love to help and they are aching for the chance to kill those that have caused so much pain."

Steven smiles, "How about a hundred? Would that many be able to get here in two days time?"

Tracey nods, "That will be acceptable. I'll have Dara send my elite fighters up. That should help a bit. Each one of them is worth ten of my normal vampires."

Steven's face lights up, "Wonderful!"

"I will contact Luke and see what he says. Most of those that are in my pack are still too weak to fight or have never been taught." Stephanie says sadly. She hates to bring in the weres. This is on behalf of the witches and the weres and witches aren't exactly friends.

"I'm sure that he will let me know shortly." Stephanie says and then promptly uses her mind link to contact the alpha werewolf and let him know what was going on and if he would be willing to help.

She is rather shocked at how eager he is to help. He also informs her that most of the other weres, non wolf, have recovered. Some have sent out to where they believed their families to be and many of the families have accepted the refuge of the Lodge pole pine pack. They are more than willing to fight. They don't wish any of the supers to go through what they've had to suffer.

When Luke gives her the expected numbers that she could expect to arrive the following day she sits back blown away.

"Stephanie?" Talon asks worried at how white his chosen has become.

"Steven, you can expect five hundred fighters of mixed were's to fight. He said about two fifty to three hundred wolves, at least a hundred of different cats, about fifty to a hundred bear and he wasn't too sure on the snake shifters, but he's pretty sure that there will be some of them as well. He's going to ask some new arrivals, bird shifters if they would like to join this fight. He's pretty sure that they will, but can't promise anything. There aren't many of them left and they might not wish to take part in this fight. And he won't make any one fight that doesn't feel ready or feel that their people can't survive their loss. There are too few of them and he doesn't want to be the one to make them disappear."

All of the other occupants of the room stare at her. They knew that the shifters would fight, but they hadn't expected such numbers or the variety of the supers willing to fight against the government.

"Well, that will certainly make things interesting." Steven smiles genuinely pleased at the numbers that are given to them. They might just be able to pull off the destruction of this lab as well.

"Don't forget that I'll be helping out." Stephanie reminds her consort. All of her consorts go to stop her but when they see her set expression and her raised eyebrows they concede defeat before even saying one word.

"Just make sure that you stay safe, love. I don't think any of us would be able to survive if you were harmed or worse, killed." Jet says holding back his tears. He knows that she believes that he loves her the least, but he had fallen for her when he first realized that the young girl was the one to steal his storm. He had fallen for her and been jealous of her at the same time for a long time. But the more he came to know her, the more the jealousy left and his love grew. He has no idea how he would survive if anything happened to her. 

But then he doubts that Talon or Ethan would do much better if she died.

Then they might as well go after all the labs and take down as many  as they can before they died. It would likely be suicide with the first one they would take on, but the pain would then be gone as well.

Jet shakes himself from those dark thoughts and once more pays attention as they make plans for the attack against the well fortified government lab.

He wonders just what other supers he'll find there and if any of them would be willing to join with Stephanie like the others had. After this attack he hopes that there will be several and that most of them would be willing to join. He has a feeling that they will need the replacements if they are going to continue going against the hell labs.

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