40 Epilogue

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"Tracey, what's wrong?" Talon says in desperation. Stephanie has gone unconscious.

Tracey gives Stephanie his blood even as he checks her for any other problems. "Nothing, Talon. She's just exhausted. She's had two of the children and her body is worn out. I'm going to have to take the other two by cesarean. She's too weak to continue naturally."

The anesthesiologist preps Stephanie and the doctor works with Tracey on removing the last two children.

Finally all four of the children are out and the doctor closes Stephanie up. Tracey gives his queen and lover more of his blood. She wakes up just as the doctor finishes up.

"Tracey! My children?" Stephanie can no longer feel them inside her and she's starting to panic.

"Hush, love, it's alright. I had to take the last two by c-section. You are far too weak to have given a vaginal birth to them." Tracey calms his panicked wife down.

"What are they?" Stephanie finally finds her voice to ask.

Talon comes forward with his baby, "We had a son." There is a great deal of pride in his voice as he shows his chosen their child.

Ethan comes forward, "We have a daughter, isn't she beautiful?" Ethan is already well wrapped around his daughter's finger.

Jet comes forward with his baby, "Stephanie, I can't thank you enough for the gift of our son." There are tears in his eyes as he shows Stephanie their son.

Steven comes forward. "Rikki had hoped for a girl and she will be getting her wish. Thank you, Stephanie for this lovely lady." Steven says and shows Stephanie their daughter. Rikki will be the godmother for all their children, but she's most excited at the thought that the babies would be Steven's. When she found out that each baby has a different father she had told Steven that she would love either but hopes that his baby is a girl.

"Two of each?" Stephanie smiles weakly as she falls back down on the bed. "Can I hold them?"

"Of course. One at a time or two at a time?" Talon asks immediately.

"One at a time, I think. Steven have you called your mother and Rikki?"

"They are waiting for word in the waiting room."

"Then go show them the one that they are waiting to see." Stephanie gives him a tired smile even as she shoos him out of the room.

Tracey helps her to sit up enough that she will be comfortable holding the babies. "Thank you, Tracey." Stephanie says giving him a smile even as she takes first Talon's son and then Ethan's daughter.

"They are absolutely beautiful," Stephanie says in awe as she looks them over and nuzzles them.

Soon she switches  the baby with Jet and as soon as Steven comes in that one as well. "My mother and Rikki would like permission to come in and see all the children."

"For a few minutes, it won't hurt, but not too long." Talon and Tracey talk about it by mind link before telling Steven out loud. Steven doesn't waste any time going out there and ushering in his lover and his mother.

Stephanie gives back the babies as she feels herself falling asleep. Tracey keeps an eye on her. Stephanie shouldn't have needed that second dose of his blood. He's not saying anything, but he's worried about Stephanie.

"Which child was born first? I was rather out of it at the time and don't remember," Stephanie says after she wakes up the next day. She is forced to eat and shower before she is allowed to have the children brought into her.

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