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They wait in tense silence, and irritated by the storm, Jet does something about it. As the storm breaks up Stephanie catches hold of it. These two are just the front runners, she will likely want the storm later when the others show up.

Ethan heats up the wind that is flying around drying off their clothing so they aren't shivering when they meet their new enemy head on. They all figure that the one that brought the storm is Bianca, but they have no idea who the second person is, or what kind of supernatural they are.

Shortly after Jet has dealt with the storm the two figures walk to the crest of the hill and show themselves for the first time. Even though they are still some distance away the female is plainly visible and Stephanie can tell from the sharply in drawn breaths and angry tension that the female is Bianca.

She studies the female curiously, but only sees pain and regret as she looks at the female. The male she studies and is confused. She can't feel power from the individual and so knows that he isn't a witch of any kind.

"What are you?" She demands the answer from the male. This takes the attention of her friends from the traitor to her male companion as well.

There is a change in the atmosphere from them, but she isn't sure just what the change is or if it is good or not. She feels them gathering their power and she supposes that she has her answer that way.

"My name is Luke, alpha Luke at your service I am alpha of the Lodge pole pine pack. We came here expecting or rather hoping for four males, not three males and a female."

Not ever having had much experience with supernaturals, Stephanie isn't too sure what an alpha is. They'd gone over the basics of the witches, the different kinds and what they are able to do, a bit about vampires, mostly how to avoid them and a bit about shifters but not much.

"An Alpha werewolf." Talon's voice conveys his surprise, and his disbelief all at once. "I would expect that your entire pack is dead if they have you under their control."

His words are what shocks Stephanie. An alpha werewolf, they are the strongest of the shifters and not easily caught or controlled. She can't imagine how the hunters or whatever the hell they are managed to do so.

"Not quite right, witch. I, and some of my best warriors sprung the trap meant to take down my pack. I allowed them to take me and those with me, that survived that is, to save the rest of my pack. They even now await for my return." There is a bit of amusement in the alpha's voice as he tells Talon this, but more overtones of anger.

"There is nothing stopping you and the traitor from going to your pack." Talon looks at the female and sneers. "There is nothing stopping this one from disappearing on her own."

For the first time Stephanie looks at her companions and gives them a warning look.

"I would have left some time ago, but one of the lovely things they injected into me, us, is a tracking compound. Should we leave, they would be able to track us down and kill all those around us. I will not lead them to my pack, so until it's safe for me to return I stay away."

"Where is Chase? We hoped that he would be able to remove the tracking agent."

At Bianca's words Stephanie can feel the three behind her stiffen in anger. She gives them all another warning look.

"Before we tell you about where Chase is, why don't you tell us why you betrayed us to those hunters after you left!" Jet spits that out like the words are acid and he needs to get them out before they burn his mouth.

Bianca shakes her head. "I never betrayed you. I was betrayed, Chase betrayed me, that was why I took Apple and left. I should have stayed. Watching him be with that bitch would have been better than what happened once we left."

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