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"Sorry, Xera, I didn't mean for you to have to relive such pain." Talon does his best to comfort the crying girl. Ethan and Jet come over and awkwardly try to comfort her as well.

"It was like the lightning was trying to kill me. I heard my father hold my mother back and tell her it was too dangerous. Before the thunder drowned out their voices. I did hear my mother yelling at me angrily, though." Xera breaks down crying once more.

The boys give her a group hug until she calms down. "You said that you would have some answers for me. What kind of answers can you give me other than what the hell I'm doing here?"

Talon looks at her thoughtfully and the others back up from her and return to their former spots so that she can see them clearly as well.

"I can tell you why the lightning was like it was, why the storm seemed to come from nowhere and why you were unconscious for three days."

"Three days?" Xera says weakly and starts to fall. She finds herself held up, but no one was near her.

"Xera," Talon nods his head at her question before saying her name. She looks at him more than a little dazedly. "What do you know about the supernatural community?"

"Nothing other than it's not real. There are no vampires, werewolves or fey creatures. There might be witches, but they aren't more than following a religion, wiccan."

"Actually, the supernatural community is very real. There are vampires, werewolves and witches. Although, werewolves aren't alone in the shapeshifting world I don't know how many are still around. Vampires are very good at hiding in the cities and have adapted to not killing their victims in order to survive.

"The supernaturals are hunted, some hunt us because they fear us and others hunt us to study us and possibly make us into weapons or learn how to make more of us.

"There are witches as well, but witches are a term much like animals and can be broken down into different kinds of abilities. 

"The ones that use spells and potions are becoming very rare and difficult to find. But there are others, like the wiccans that hide in plain sight, but they aren't nearly as powerful as their near kin but that's the trade off for being protected. There are also those like us, the elementalists. We control the elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Those are the general elements, but there are others as well, electricity, magnetism and a few others.

"The more powerful an elementalist is the more they can control, both elements and how fully they can control." Talon explains but at her lost look he gives examples.

"Take an elementalist of air. Most can bring breezes and the stronger their abilities the stronger the wind. But to create a storm they would also need to be able to control water. The stronger that ability the stronger the storm.

"Now if they also controlled electricity," Talon is interrupted by Xera.

"Is that what happened? To me, I mean, an elementalist created a storm and the lightning was chasing me?" Xera is a little nervous about the answer. She's afraid and it's been a very long time since she's been afraid. She thinks that these three males are elementalists and that's why she's here. She just doesn't understand why they would want her.

Talon gently caresses her hand to ease her fear and stress. "We aren't going to do anything to you. You are free to go when ever you wish, or stay if you prefer. There is information you need before you decide though. Please, hear me out before you leave?"

Xera wants to leave, but something inside her is telling her to trust this stranger. She nods. Talon leads her over to a chair and after she sits he kneels in front of her and takes both her hands into his. "You, like us, are an elementalist. You are a very powerful one and the lightning was striking around you because you were angry and frustrated and didn't have control of it. You've never been trained have you?" Talon says this as gently as he can. He can tell that Xera is becoming overwhelmed by what he's telling her.

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