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Jet isn't comfortable. Something is most definitely up. Steven's little sisters are beautiful, but they don't hold anything to Stephanie and he's tired of the looks he keeps getting from them.

He sets the tea down. They'd added something to it. Likely a love potion, since they are both very strong potion witches. After what happened to Stephanie the night before, he has no intentions of ingesting anything that could potentially cause Stephanie indirect harm. Besides, the girls are alright, but he has no interest in being with them. If he has need for sex he'll have Steven help him out.

Steven looks at him from the corner of his eye when he sets the drink down. "It's had something added to it." Jet tells Steven through the mind link. Steven is still new to the link and so keeps forgetting that it's there to use if necessary.

Steven casually sets his tea down as well, but accidentally misses the edge of the table and the cup falls over. He saves the cup from breaking but the tea slops all over the floor. "Shit! Sorry, girls, I'll clean that up. Where might I find something to use to do so?"

One of the girls gets up and shows him where the cleaning supplies are kept. That leaves Jet alone with the other girl. He's not sure where Dirk is, but hopes that he's nearby. He's feeling more than a little like prey to the girl. "I am sorry for the inconvenience that we might have caused. Steven says that you all aren't close and wasn't happy about making us come here."

The girl looks at Jet curiously. "Just why did you make Steven come here, Lord Jet? He doesn't normally run in the same circles as you."

"We met at the hell lab his father sent him to destroy. He was telling me about his family and I wanted to meet them. I have already had the distinct displeasure of having met his father, but I had no idea that he had sisters or a brother as well."

The girl in front of him snorts out in displeasure. "I agree with you on the displeasure part of meeting that ass that likes to call himself my father. But like I'm sure Steven has told you, we haven't really had anything to do with him, so I'm not sure I understand just why you would want to meet us?"

"I tried to tell him, but he insisted." Steven says coming back in with some rags and cleaning spray. As he kneels down and accidentally knocks into the coffee table where Jet had placed his tea, and knocks Jet's tea over as well.

"Shit, why am I so clumsy today?" Steven mutters darkly as he cleans up the newest spill he created.

Jet is amused at the angry looks the girls are sending their brother even as they do their best to hide their feelings behind a blank look when ever one of them looks over at them.

"Probably because you haven't had much sleep in the last couple of days." Jet says hiding his amusement from his face, but not so well from his voice.

Steven gives him a glare but laughs through the link.

The girls are the ones to choke as they swallow wrong at what Jet says, taking his words in a sexual way.

"Yeah, work and traveling does eat up sleep time." Although, there had been some of the sexual reason as well.

Once the girls stop choking, Jet had gone over to them and lightly pounded their backs to help, Jet gets serious. He signs for Dirk to go ahead and drink from both girls. Neither female noticed that a vampire was biting them. They, at first, reacted to the bite but relaxed at the feelings he places in them.

Dirk isn't as good at reading blood as Tracey is but he could read some of it. "They have orders from Steven's father to seduce and sleep with you both. They are to get pregnant from that. They have already taken steps to make sure that intercourse would result in a pregnancy."

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