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"I woke up and saw him clearly for the first time and was entranced by him. He was by far the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. I wasn't even scared of his predator at that point. Nor did I register the fact that I was naked in his bed. The softest bed I've ever been in or that the sheets I was wrapped in were sensual against my skin. A feeling I've never had before. I took me awhile to find my voice and when I did it seemed to startle him.

"Who are you? Where am I? I said, it was only after that, did I realize that I was naked in his bed, at least I believed it to be his bed and only wrapped in the sheets of some material I've never seen or felt before. I only learned later that it was silk.

"He admitted to me what he did and what he was. But then he offered me his blood and that's when it really sank in. I couldn't stop myself from drinking it. 

"From then on, I would do whatever he needed.

"The best part for me, although I was young, I looked older, far more mature. I looked the age I look now. Although, at times I acted younger, his younger sister, sometimes I would act his wife or mistress. I would be the age he needed me to be. 

"The two males that were with us, were actually a gift to me from Tracey. They were my food and my servants. Then one day I was injured badly and I took too much blood from them both. Tracey turned them since he knew that I was so attached to them. He had me give them blood so that although I wasn't their creator, I was still their mistress.

"That is how he started out as being the king." Dara says and falls back into memories of centuries past.

"Back then, there was no king or council or anything else to regulate the vampire people. More than once we nearly had vampire hunts like the witch hunts of history.

"Most vampires lived on their own if they were strong enough. If they weren't they banded together under one strong leader and a seethe was created.

"We would go from city to city. Those that lived there didn't like us coming into their territory. Slowly I took over territories, created more children and bonded vampires that were weaker and wanted protection.

"As I took over an area I would leave one of my children in charge, but Dara and the twins, Chance and Charles or Chuck as he goes by, would always remain with  me. If there was any trouble then I would usually send one of them out to deal with it." Tracey tells his rapt audience.

"I don't understand why you would send out your young children to deal with problems." Stephanie is confused, she still doesn't know much about vampires.

"There are different kinds of vampires. There are the pure bloods,  those that are born and not made. They are some of the strongest of the vampires. But the strongest of the vampires are the children of the pure bloods. When pure bloods have children they are even stronger than their parents. Especially if the child comes from two vampires that were pure blood as well and had no human in them.

"Then of course the weaker vampires are those that are turned, but it varies greatly by who turns them.

"Since I am a child of two pure bloods and they were pure blooded themselves, when I turn a human they are still very strong. Sometimes stronger than pure bloods.

"So when there were problems I would send out my children, even when young they were strong. That and people knew that if they didn't listen to my children then there would be hell to pay if I came.

"Then of course as they age they gain strength as well. So now Dara here is as strong as most pure bloods. The twins aren't much weaker."

"Vampires can have children?" This blows Stephanie away. 

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