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"Talon," Stephanie says once they reach the rooms reserved for her and the other elementalists that serve her.

She doesn't have time to say any more since Talon is kissing her hungrily. He's wanting to finish the acceptance right then, not wanting anything else to get in the way.

With difficulty Stephanie forces herself to break off kissing the infuriating male. "Talon, stop." When he doesn't stop immediately Stephanie makes sure that he can't move. "You need to eat, bathe or shower and sleep before you do anything else." Stephanie tells him still trying to get her breath back after the very heated kisses that Talon was giving her.

Only then does she realize that all three of her chosen are in the room with her and all three of them have their powers ascendant as their glowing eyes denote. She thinks that she will have her eyes glowing as well since she can feel her powers trying to break loose.

"Jet, go get Talon some food. Ethan, while Jet is doing that go prepare the shower or a bath for Talon. Talon, you need to rest and eat, not have sex." Stephanie says trying to calm the powerful witch down. She'd never felt his power so completely before. He's always been careful when using it around her. He always taught her that you only use the amount necessary and hide your strength so it can't be used against you.

There's more than a little betrayal feeling inside as she realizes that he didn't even trust her enough to show her that.

But then again, she's never used her full strength either. Not even that first time they met. Although, Jet saw a touch of it when she created and controlled the twister.

"Part of the witches council?" Stephanie asks the first thing that comes to mind trying to calm things down sexually between them.

And those words work like a bath of cold water. Talon stops moving and looks at Stephanie with a touch of fear in his eyes. That wasn't a little secret he hid from her, that was something rather large and she wasn't going to like what else she learns with that.

Deflating, Talon goes over to some chairs and sits down and motions Stephanie to do so as well. "Yes, I am on the governing board over the witches. As are Ethan and Jet. The board is made up of three of the most powerful leaders of that section of witchcraft. There are four sections and although many think that elementalists are the weakest of them all, they are in reality terrified of us."

"Why?" Stephanie bites out, very angry at just finding out this information and only because of the captured warlock.

"They are jealous of us because we don't have to memorize spells or use accessories to use our magic. We are one with nature and that's why we have the closest affinity with the animalistic supers like the shifters. We have the hardest time with the bloodsuckers because they are truly an abomination of nature." Talon shrugs. So far he hasn't had a problem with Tracey and his group and as long as they don't try anything he won't.

"We are also the oldest of the witching people and the others came from us. You could say that we are the pure branch of the witches and the others are corrupted versions of us. There is a bit of resentment among them because of that. I have no doubt that they sent that warlock to kill you because of that jealousy and resentment more than anything else. They had heard of you, but not me or the other directors. You saw for yourself the fear that young warlock had when he found out who had captured him."

Talon sits forward and reaches over for Stephanie's hands and holds them in his. "I really need to finish the ceremony with you, we all do. But I, we, realize that you likely aren't ready just yet."

That brings Stephanie away from her thoughts about the hateful governing board back to her desire for Talon and the others.

"I don't understand, what ceremony?" Stephanie asks more than a little confused with all that she's learned in the last few hours. She's so caught up in her thoughts and confusion that she doesn't realize that the others had returned to the room.

"The ceremony that will show the world that we are your chosen and you are ours. We don't bite our loves, like the animal shifters and the bloodsuckers do and we don't do what the fey creatures do in their binding," Talon shivers with remembered horror as he had been witness to one such ceremony. He understands perfectly why the fey don't usually look for a mate or chosen.

"Then what do witches do?" Stephanie asks more than a little afraid of the answer.

"While we consummate the bond with sex both parties accept the other. The accepted binding then shows up as a tattoo mark on the neck of both parties."

Jet interjects at this point. "We realize that you are still a virgin and aren't comfortable with sex yet. We will wait for you to be so. We might not like it, but we will wait."

Ethan takes over this last part and grimaces to himself, "Since you are accepting all of us as your chosen we all three have to be in the room and you have to have sex with all three of us within a short time, say a few hours. That means that you will have to have marathon sex with all three of us on your first night.

"All three of us would be honored to be the one to initiate you into the world of physical intimacy, but I think that Talon would be the best one to do so. He is a kind and gentle lover and has initiated many virgins." Ethan turns beet red as Stephanie looks at him horrified.

"I would be honored if you would wish for me to be your first, but I would prefer to be the last one. I would like to be the one you fall asleep with and the one that you wake up to." Jet says blushing wildly and then looks down.

Stephanie looks to Talon so shocked that she can't even speak. "I would be very honored to be the one to initiate you, Stephanie, but only once you are ready to take that step." Talon tells the stupefied female before him.

"You've initiated many virgins before me? Did you make it a habit to go after the innocent, Talon?"

Talon closes his eyes and shakes his head. "I am old, Stephanie. Damn near one of the oldest of the witches. I come from a time when there weren't really chosen. The witches were encouraged to be with many and have different partners for their children. Females looked at the males for the strongest candidates. Even then I was powerful. Fuck, I was the fucking leader of my community even though I was still young.

"Chase and I were best friends. His mother felt the power of the male witch she laid with to get with child, but she never knew what kind of witch he was. The only reason he wasn't completely ostracized was because he was my friend and he was even better at sex than I was. That and he was charismatic. He was powerful, but because of the way the community treated him he never trusted them enough to show just how powerful he was. But he fathered more than a few children himself.

"The hunters came one night when Chase and I were together. We managed to escape and killed more than a few of the hunters that killed our community, but we weren't able to save many and had to bury most. At least pieces of them.

"We were alone for more than one century before we came upon Ethan and Jet and we were together, the four of us for more than a century before Bianca arrived to upset things between us.

"Bianca, wasn't an innocent when she found us and I always suspected that Apple was more likely her daughter than her sister, but," Talon shrugged.

Stephanie sits there stunned at all that she'd learned that night and it takes her some time to shake off the spell it engendered. "Right," she says and gets up. She goes to Talon and pulls him up, "Time for you to eat."

"Actually, I think that I would rather have the bath that Ethan prepared first. Once I eat I won't be upright for long." Talon says and so Stephanie redirects her steps to the bathroom.

Talon pulls her to a stop and kisses her. Once he finishes he holds her tight to him, "Help me in the bath?" He has a wicked look in his eye and more than a little wicked smirk playing at his lips.

"I don't think tha-" is all that Stephanie manages to get out before Talon stops her from speaking.

She's so dazed from the kiss that she doesn't realize that Talon has maneuvered her into the bathroom. 

Jet and Ethan watch with interested eyes as Talon starts the seduction. They smile as Stephanie doesn't struggle or put any kind of stop to it.

They will wait until she is ready, but if she doesn't make any kind of hesitation they will take that as her being ready. They've waited, all of them, centuries to find their chosen and they are more than a little antsy about her not being marked. Especially since she seems to be creating her own pack of supernatural creatures that will consider her fair game until their mark is on her.

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