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"My lady, you have met my daughter previously, but I don't believe you've been properly introduced to her. Stephanie," Tracey can't help the overtones of warmth that comes out when saying her name. "This is my daughter Dara. She was the first made of all my children." There is definite warmth and pride as he presents his daughter to his mistress, his queen, his mate.

Stephanie stops her conversation that she was having with her chosen and turns to the two vampires and smiles brightly. "Welcome Dara! It's lovely to finally have a name to go with the beautiful face." Stephanie says in unfeigned pleasure.

Dara is taken aback by this warm greeting but feels the pleasure her father is feeling from it and so smiles back as she replies. "Thank you for seeing me, my lady. Not to be rude or anything, but why was I summoned to you? I haven't broken any of your rules."

Stephanie looks more than a little taken aback by her words. "No! Believe me, if you had I wouldn't be nearly as happy to see you and you definitely wouldn't be happy to see me.

"Your father," Stephanie looks to Tracey and he can't tolerate her looking at him so looks down in embarrassment. "He made a judgement call last night and earlier today that has made him even further bound to me. 

"Tracey, you will need to tell, Dara, just what you did so that she fully understands what is going on here."

"Of course, My lady." Tracey says smoothly but there is an undercurrent of unease to his words that brings Dara's attention to him fully.

"Last night I brought the warlock to watch the bonding ceremony of chosen's thinking that if he is there that he would be a possible candidate to be a chosen with them. What I didn't know was that there is a time constraint as well and well, he was accepted as a chosen but I was there both times and when Stephanie finished the ceremony adding in Steven I drank from her. Doing what I did caused me to cum the same time she did. It acted as if I had been with her sexually and for some strange reason it also worked with her other chosen. I have their marks even as they now wear mine."

"How will that work? Vampires have need of sex and will take nourishment from it from many. From what I understand once a chosen has finished the ceremony it is next to impossible to have sexual relations outside of the partnership." Dara says beyond confused and even more puzzled at how her father could be mated to four elementalists and a warlock without actually having sex with them. She's sure that he wouldn't have had a problem doing so, but even for a vampire he didn't have enough time.

"I believe that the binding recognizes the needs of my kind, our kind, and I am able to have sexual relations outside of the binding."

Dara snorts, "You've attempted it already?"

She looks at her father in fascination when only silence meets her question. "You did?"

"It was necessary for me to know, and Stephanie needed to know as well what it would feel like. If it would hurt her and the others then I wouldn't be able to continue feeding from others like that and would need to confine myself to my consorts."

"Wait, hold on, Stephanie told us that she wouldn't be accepted by our people as your queen. She's right and you know it."

"That is where you come in, Dara." Stephanie says softly and gently leads the now, traumatized female to a chair. After urging her to sit down Stephanie continues.

"You have longed to belong to your father as his queen. You are called here so that I might get to know you better and to see if you will make a good queen. Truly I already am pretty sure of the answer to that, but I want to get to know the female that will be by Tracey's side, his help meet as it were.

"I already know that you love him and that he cares a great deal for you and holds you in a special place in his heart. He has a great deal of pride in you." Stephanie smiles as the female vampire looks down and she's sure that if Dara could that she would be blushing a deep red at the compliments that she is giving her.

"I would like to hear your story. How did you become a vampire? I know that vampires are as evasive about their age as witches are, so you don't have to be specific if it would give that away."

Dara looks at her mistress, her father's mate and first wife with confusion. Never has a first wife cared about things like that in a second wife and never has a first wife given up the chance for power. But then again, Stephanie is already more powerful than she will be.

"My story isn't a pretty one. I don't really think that it is all that good or wonderful, or special I guess.

"But if you wish to hear it, I will tell it to you."

Stephanie smiles delightedly at Dara's answer. Before they can begin she holds up her hand to halt her from beginning. "Sorry, someone is asking for entrance. Hopefully it won't be anything too important and we will be able to hear your story shortly."

With that she lowers the dead air shield she has going and allows entrance to Luke. He whispers in her ear. There is a look of confusion then interest on Stephanie's face.

She mind links with Talon to go with Luke and then turns back to Dara. She remains lost in thought and listens to what she is told over the mind link. After several minutes she comes back to the present and gives those in the room an apologetic smile. "I am very sorry for being so rude. Luke was able to track down some of the information we need and was just going over it with Talon and they were sending me the information as well.

"Have you eaten, Dara, Tracey?" Stephanie asks before setting herself back comfortably, or as comfortably as she can on the seat there.

"No, Tracey brought me in here before I could eat."

"No, I believed that it was more important for me to bring my daughter in to see you."

"Then both of you, have some of my blood, then Dara, please tell me your story."

In short order Tracey was at her neck and started drinking from her. His moan of delight nearly sexual brings his daughter to her arm and she takes a bite.

After just a few swallows she sits back more replete than she's ever been. The blood had held so much power that she couldn't take any more. Tracey had finished after a few swallows as well.

"I now understand my father's eagerness to pledge to you, mistress. I doubt that there is another that is as powerful as you in the world." Dara tells her mistress and first wife of her father, more than a little in shock once more at the power that she tasted from Stephanie. Her body is singing at the power that is surging through her at just that small taste.

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