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The boys burst through her cell door and see her barely conscious and half naked. "What the fuck?" Talon is the first to recover and runs to her side.

"W-water," Stephanie is so weak she has trouble even saying that much.

That's when the boys notice the burns on her chest. "Shit, they used the defibrillator on her without using the pads." There are three sets of burns on her chest. "She must have been really close to death." Talon is sick at just what she went through and doesn't understand just why they weren't as affected by the cleansing as Stephanie appears to be.

"Jet, test that water by her side. Is it clean and drinkable?" Talon demands. He has a touch of fire ability, but none when it comes to water.

Ethan is looking for something to cover Stephanie with. There doesn't seem to be anything in the room. His and the others have vomit covering their shirts or one of them would give her their shirt, but they don't want her vomiting any more and the stench is making her gag already.

Stephanie remembers that she can now communicate through her mind. "I need water please. Too weak to get that water at my side."

Jet hurries to her and helps her sit up. He has the water go directly into her mouth like a water fountain squirt, so all she has to do is swallow it.

"I need food, but I won't be able to hold it down with this smell." She is able to say once she gets enough water into her.

"There is a supply closet a couple of doors down and a break room next to it. The food should be good since it belongs to those that work here." Then she lies back down exhausted.

"Jet, see if there is anything for her to wear in that supply closet, and if there is something we can change into. I have no desire to smell this until we can get some of our clothing back. At the least we'll need hygiene supplies, soap and or shampoo.

"Ethan, see if there is anything that we can eat. Stephanie first and then if there is enough, bring some for us as well. I just wish I knew why she was affected so much worse than we were. They wouldn't have used as heavy of a dose on her as they used on us."

Talon holds Stephanie to him and is looking down at her so doesn't notice their nods as they accept his orders and leave. Talon takes her to the small bathroom and finishes stripping her down and sets her in the shower. Jet doesn't say anything when he comes back just hands him the soap and shampoo. He sets the comb and blanket on the bed. There were no clothes or towels so the blanket will have to do. They will be washing the vomit out of their shirts and having Ethan dry them.

Jet thinks that Talon will dress Stephanie in his shirt once it is clean and dry. He frowns at the thought. Talon won't be giving up his claim on Stephanie, but neither will he or Ethan. Would she accept all of them as her chosen? It isn't done in the human world and in the supernatural world very few have done it and it has never been done by witches.

Soon the smell of food enters the room as Ethan comes in with food heated up and sets it on the counter. 

Stephanie takes the blanket and makes it into a sarong or toga about her body and informs Talon that he needs to wear his shirt. At his hurt look she tells him that she doesn't want any of the females to get any ideas about him. She looks down and blushes at this admission, but Talon looks pleased by it. She then informed the others the same thing and they look just as pleased.

By the time they are finished eating Stephanie feels much better.

"Stephanie, why were you so much worse off then us? You were like I was expecting to be." Ethan asks her more than a little confused and asking what they were all wondering.

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