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Stephanie makes their execution rather quick and more or less painless as she lets them suffocate. They didn't merit the exotic punishment Lord Gibbs had merited and she just wanted to get the executions over with. 

She looks at the girls that have blank looks on their faces after the execution and shakes her head. They are going to have even further shocks shortly. She just hopes that the girls are able to handle what they are about to find out.

Talon leads the way to his house. He had had it readied for his use while they were getting to Jet and Steven earlier. He fully expects the house to be fully ready for him and his consorts and chosen and their guests.

Once they are all in the house he makes sure that they are all comfortable before setting himself down. The maid that is there brings in their drinks. Talon doesn't expect Stephanie to wait too long to dive into things. After all she was looking more than a little upset at having to put things off like she had to, to deal with the other issues.

"Okay, which thing should be addressed first?"

"I want to know about my mother." Steven grits out as he stares at his uncle.

Steven's uncle sighs as he puts down his drink. "It's about time you knew the truth about her. Your father wouldn't allow any one to tell you about her. Probably because he didn't want you to get out of his control."

Steven narrows his eyes at his uncle.

His uncle sighs, he turns to Stephanie and Tracey, "My name is Bennet, and as you know I am Steven's uncle. His father forced my sister into marriage with him. She didn't want anything to do with him, but since he was a strong warlock and my sister comes from strong lineage of warlocks it was decided that they were to marry and have at least one child.

"Gibbs was abusive and my sister hated having to be with him. Hated his infidelity and abuse. When Steven was born she tried to leave him. Gibbs banished her from the community but refused to allow her to take you with her. She was forced to give you up quite literally. I was held back as they broke her arms to get you out of them. They then took her to the community limits and dumped her with out money or even clothes.

"But that didn't matter since Gibbs had hunters waiting for her. They took her and sold her to people, I don't know who. I lost their trail. I killed those that originally took her and was able to track her to the ones that they sold her to, but she had already been sold again. I killed those bastards and went home broken. There was nothing I could do about my sister or my nephew.

"Then my lover decided that she wanted Gibbs and so dumped me and threatened me about not saying anything about our relationship. We hadn't been together long so it wasn't well known. She hadn't wanted any one to know that she was with me. Although, that never made sense to me, I wasn't the strongest of the warlocks, but I most certainly wasn't weak. Level six war mage isn't weak by any one's standard. But when she took up with Gibbs the next day I understood only too well.

"That bastard not only destroyed my sister's life, took my lover and then when it was found that she was pregnant, possibly my child I hated him more than I ever had before and I had hated him pretty bad before.

"I swear, I knew nothing of the abuse he gave you, but even if I had there was nothing I could do about it. He was your father and I nothing more than the disgraced uncle." Bennet says bitterly to not just his nephew, but all those in the room with him.

"I am sorry that I wasn't even able to save your mother.

"I've finally tracked her down, but the location is heavily protected. There is nothing that I could do, at least not without Gibbs allowing us to go full out against the government lab. He would have refused me, I knew that without asking since he was the one to have her taken in the first place."

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