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"Tracey, that isn't funny," Steven turns to the vampire that is so amused by this meeting.

"I never said it was. You told us that you wished to know if your child lived, was healthy or not, hell you just wanted to know if the child survived. You had no way of finding out since the witch didn't even tell you her name. Well, I thought I would help you out." Tracey nods to the female witch, "There she is. You can find out all your answers for yourself."

The other consorts and Stephanie are watching closely as the two interact. Stephanie narrows her eyes as she looks at the female, there is something...

She builds a wall of dead air around them all. She asks Tracey to have his vampires erase the memory of them hearing that the young witch is Steven's daughter. The way they are acting, it might cause problems for them later on.

The two can't stop staring at each other.

"Young lady, can you please tell us your name?" Ethan decides to break the stare off.

"What? Oh, sorry my lords. My name is Rikki. My mother told me that my father was a powerful witch, but that she didn't stay with him or let him know that I was born. She said that she told him that she was pregnant with me, but nothing more. She told me that he had no knowledge of her name even. She said that if I wanted to know who my father was that she would tell me when I reached my full potential. 

"That happened a few years back, but before she could tell me, she was captured by one of the hell labs. I haven't heard from her since."

The young witch looks at her father, "She never told me how she got a witch to agree to being with her without even knowing her name. All she said was that she had done something not so good and that she is ashamed of what she did, but not ashamed of what the after affects were, me.

"What did she do?"

Steven looks away from the innocent but demanding gaze of his new found daughter.

Stephanie decides that they should take things inside.

"Not yet, Stephanie. There are others that need attention before we can take this indoors."

Stephanie narrows her eyes at Tracey. "Very well, but it better be good. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered."

"Yes, and I have every reason to believe that you will like some of the answers. But you need to have the rest of my surprises before that is dealt with."

Stephanie sighs but relents. "Very well, Rikki would you be willing to stick around for a bit before we can answer your questions and have some of our own answered?"

"Of course Lady Stephanie, I have long wanted to know my father. It will be an honor to learn more of him and help you find the answers you are looking for." Stephanie smiles warmly at this young witch. She has more than one shock for the two herself.

Tracey waits until Rikki goes to her father's side before having his vampires bring another young male witch before him.

"Jeffrey?" Steven says more than a little confused. He turns to Tracey for an explanation.

"I believe you think this young man is your brother do you not?" Tracey says.

"Yes, my father decided to have a child with his mother." Steven says but he's confused at the wording Tracey is using.

"That's nice, but this young man isn't your brother. He is in fact your cousin." Tracey states and now it's Steven's turn to be shocked once more.

"My cousin," Steven says blankly unsure just what the hell is going on.

Another witch, a warlock is brought forward. He looks around at the ones surrounding him and is more than a little upset. He sees Steven and Jeffrey and looks even more confused as the two are white as sheets.

"What's going on?" The warlock demands.

"Why don't you tell us, uncle?" Steven demands of the warlock. "I'm told by my vampire friend here that Jeffrey is in fact my cousin, not my brother. You are my only uncle, so you tell me how the hell that can be?"

With that the warlock looks at the two males before him and then smiles. "Really?"

At the look Steven gives him he wipes the smile off his face. "I was dating his mother before your power hungry ass of a father wanted her. She dumped me so that she could be with that ass. From the date of his birth, Jeffrey could have been mine, but there was no way for me to find out because his mother insisted that Gibbs not know of her relationship with me. I hoped that he was mine though. I couldn't have been prouder of his accomplishments even if I couldn't show it."

"That's lovely, it really is, I think you three have a lot more to say to each other. As you also have to say to Rikki, Steven. I think we should get out of the street to do any further talking though."

Stephanie is looking at the male witch that was supposedly her consorts brother nervously.

"Not quite yet, Stephanie." Tracey says and there are two female witches brought forward. Germaine and Isabella.

"Why did you bring my sister's here?" Steven demands.

"There is unfinished business with them," Tracey replies.

Stephanie looks at them consideringly before her eyes widen and she smiles. "Well, most of what needs to be said can be dealt with in private."

"What about the mothers?" Jet whispers to her.

"Oh, yes, that does need to be dealt with now." Stephanie is more than a little displeased. She wants to deal with the other issue that is taking place right now.

Tracey nods at her mental commands and the two females that are the mothers to Steven's supposed siblings are brought forward. There had been several interesting facts brought to light once Tracey had started investigating the two witches.

As the list of crimes is brought out the two females begin to cower as they realize that they will be stripped of their positions at the very least.

Stephanie had let down the air wall and so the new crowd had heard all the crimes against the two witches and they were angry.

When Talon orders them stripped of their station and sentenced to death the crowd applauds in agreement.

"You will need to find a new place to live or live on your own now." Stephanie says not unkindly to the two females that have just lost their only other parent.

"I will take them in, if they wish." A female witch steps forward. "I am their aunt and wouldn't see them on the streets."

"Very well, if they would wish. Girls, you will need to come with us, there is information you need to know. Tracey would you arrange to have the girls things moved to their aunts house?"

"Of course, love." Tracey has Dirk come forward and has him arrange with the girls' aunt about the move as he goes with the others to find out just what Stephanie has planned now.

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