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They go outside and it doesn't take them long to run into the very warlock they were looking for. Gibbs tries to look surprised but fails rather badly. "What a shock to find my son, Steven, with Lords Talon, Jet and Ethan. Steven who is that lovely lady and the other gentleman with you?" Gibbs frowns a bit as he peers at the two new comers. He doesn't like not knowing the players in the game.

Steven gets a wicked look on his face as he gestures to the two his father mentions. "Father, this beautiful lady is my chosen, Lady Stephanie." Gibbs snorts and sneers, he doesn't feel any power from the female and thinks that his son is foolish to have a chosen let alone one that isn't a witch.

The frown and sneer disappears as he continues. "I met up with her and Lords Talon, Ethan and Jet while I was doing the job you sent me to do. 

"It's also where I met up with this other gentleman," Steven is enjoying the discomfort his father is showing and so is prolonging the introductions. They had already decided to not reveal the fact that Tracey is consorts with them all. "This gentleman is King Tracey, the vampire king. He and his court were in the hell lab that you sent me to destroy. He was less than pleased to find out that I was going to kill every one and not do anything to help them, including him and his court.

"Fortunately, my lovely chosen had already released him, his court and the other supernaturals, about two hundred or so, not counting the children, that had been held, abused, tortured and forced to have children by those holding them in the lab. The lab you knew about and did nothing to help them. Including some witches, about twenty or so, I believe. Some spell witches, some potions, a few elementalists, but even a couple of warlocks." That had shocked them all.

There was no response from Gibbs one way or the other. He wasn't shocked by this news.

"I told you, there is no way to release these people from the chemicals that have been injected into them from the moment of capture." Gibbs says irritatedly. He hasn't realized that there was now quite a build up of witches listening to him and his group. Any time several of the board talk outside of the council building things happen and no one wants to miss it. Especially when it's the elementalists and warlocks going head to head.

With his announcement Stephanie snorts her derision before losing her fight against laughter. It really isn't that funny though, so it doesn't take her long to get herself under control. Talon takes her hand to help her and it does. They all are looking at her willing her to take point on this. Especially Tracey, he wants his queen to shine. He never thought he could take pride in any one that wasn't a vampire, especially one that up until just days ago he would have considered an enemy.

"You mock me, young lady?" Gibbs sneers at her.

He isn't ready for the hatred that flashes in her eyes or the power that she stops holding back as the lightning once more sparks from her hair.

Gibbs, for the first time feels afraid of the new comer and takes a hesitant step back as she starts speaking and walks forward, towards him. "That's a lie. I found the way to cleanse the blood and body of the chemicals and compounds before I and my consorts here," she motions to all the males at her side, although there will be doubt as to whether she is including the vampire king or not, "allowed ourselves to be captured. At which time, after we reached the lab I finished cleansing my blood and they cleansed their own blood. We then cleansed King Tracey's and his courts blood. After which we cleansed that of the other supers and showed the other elementalists how to cleanse the blood and they assisted in the blood cleansing.

"By then it was nearing day light and time for the next shift. I and most of those there went to Alpha Luke of the Lodge pole pine pack, and waited for Talon to destroy the lab completely."

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