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Stephanie and her mentor, Christopher,  spend a great deal of time with Steven's mother trying to do all they can to help her. For Stephanie, it's a desperate attempt to give Steven a part of his life that had been unfairly torn from him. She hopes that she can give his mother some peace and let them reconcile.

As they work with her they are slowly able to restore her, but sadly Stephanie doesn't believe that Steven's mother will ever be near what she was before her long years of abuse.

Steven's uncle would spend many hours at her side talking to her, reassuring her that she was now safe, that her husband was no more and wouldn't hurt her ever again.

After months and months of working with her she slowly starts to become a part of the world once more.

Steven and Rikki confront Emily about her actions and get the answers they wanted to have, although they weren't what they wanted to hear. Neither one was satisfied with the truth, but then again neither was Emily about her child being true chosen with her father. That had been a hard pill to swallow and that because of her actions her daughter won't be able to take her rightful place and wear his mark or he hers. Rikki is known as his mistress and no one is happy about that, not even Stephanie.

Stephanie has a good talking to Emily about her decisions and what happened to her. Emily learned a healthy fear of Steven's chosen. After that she stayed as far away from Stephanie as she could.

As for the decision Talon set before her the night they came home from the attack against the government facility, Stephanie had a hard time thinking of anything else. It became so distracting that she gathered all her consorts and a few of the other leaders that would be affected by her decision one way or another. 

Rather to her surprise the other supers, with only a few dissenters were all in favor of her taking the throne over all of them.

Not surprisingly, it was the witches that gave her the most grief of taking up a role of being a queen.

More alphas had come and given her their blood bond, like Luke had done. Leaders of the nearly extinct other animal shifters had done the same. 

Irregardless of the wishes of the witches, Stephanie had become the queen of the supers. If there was a problem between species they bring it to her and she deals with it. There are no more fights between them. Old animosities die hard, though, and sometimes Stephanie wants to scream at them.

At times she does. When they refuse to listen to her she not only screams but lightening starts flinging off her hair and a few times they've seen her with fireballs forming in her hands. When that happens they shut up rather quickly.

When they act like two year olds she treats them like two year olds. She shuts them into a room together and makes sure they are bound by air so that they can't move. They aren't released until they talk to each other with out screaming and wanting to kill one another.

So far this method has worked remarkably well. Since none of them like the idea of being shut in with their supposed enemy they learn how to talk civilly to each other and communications become much better.

Still over all, Stephanie spends a great deal of her time in research.

There are far too many hell labs still in operation and no few government research labs as well.

The hell labs are taken down without a trace as soon as they find out ways to infiltrate them. In time they become so adept at doing so that they aren't really much of a problem. The government facilities on the other hand are much more delicate.

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