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Talon stands nervously next to Tracey. Most of the guards stayed here, they found the quarters and were able to change into the clothes. But not all of the guards were accounted for. He wishes that Stephanie could have remained to make sure that the other guards weapons wouldn't work. But her safety was more important.

One of the shifters that stayed to help fight signals that the first group are in sight.

The gate had been fixed earlier and now was being opened to let the new people in.

The shifters had already left to change. They are more than a little ready to take some vengeance on those that had been abusing them, some for decades.

Talon readies his abilities as the newest people come from the shuttle bus.

He draws in a sharp breath as the last person off the bus is giving off power, he's a witch or at least part of the witching people.

"That last one is new, I've never smelled him here before," Tracey tells him.

Talon gives him a dark smile, "He chose the wrong day to betray his people."

"Are you sure that he's here to betray his people?" Tracey replies genially. "Perhaps you should listen to what he has to say before condemning him."

Talon looks at Tracey with a dirty look, but then exhales. Hadn't Stephanie told him the same thing about Bianca? Didn't her story change the whole history of what he believed had happened to his friend?

"I'll give him the chance to explain, but if it isn't a good explanation then he's yours." Talon says coldly.

"You have that right, Talon?"

"Witches don't have kings like you vampires, but we do have leaders and I'm one of them. Yes, I have that authority."

That makes Tracey look at him consideringly. Two leaders of the supernatural world are bound to Stephanie and are now serving her. A third is her chosen. Stephanie is becoming more powerful than he had realized. He smiles a wicked little smile at this news. Perhaps it is time for the supernatural world to come together and make themselves known. Perhaps more than make themselves known? Perhaps they should make their own place in this world, but the people are already spooked, perhaps if they saw some of what has been going on to the supernatural people for decades.

He will have to talk to Stephanie about the possibility later, but for now they have the new guards and scientists to deal with.

It doesn't take long for the supers to deal with the scientists and guards and they take the bodies away so that the next shuttle won't be scared away by the blood. The witch is taken to a cell and restrained until there is time for Talon to question him. Talon makes sure that evidence of blood is erased as the ground shifts so that the bloody ground is dealt with.

Soon the next shuttle comes in.

Shortly all the scientist have arrived and are taken care of. Tracey finds two, a male and a female and he holds back on killing them. He gets a light of malice in his eyes. "You forced your daughter to become an experiment and allowed the guards to rape her. Some people should never become parents."

The two humans are shocked that one of the freaks dare to speak to them like that. The female sneers at the male before her. "What do you know about being a parent? You aren't even human, you don't have feelings."

Tracey sneers right back at her. "You call me a monster, yet it is you, the supposed human that treats your daughter like she was nothing more than an animal. You had her raped at the young age of thirteen. It was a daily occurrence, multiple times a day until she became pregnant. Then you allowed the guards in to rape her. A child. You call me a monster when she had a miscarriage you once more forced her to be raped until pregnant, and once more let the guards violate her after she was. Then after her child was still born you forced her to get pregnant a third time in two years.

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