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They make it back to camp and they barely have the energy to fall on their assigned bed before exhaustion claims them. 

Steven just hopes that Emily won't run out on him again before he has the chance to talk to her. Then there is his mother. She hadn't even made any indication that she knew who he was, not even when Emily said his name out loud. He just hopes that time will heal her more than anything. Yet, he's afraid that like the one wolf that was released from the hell lab that her personality, what makes her human was destroyed. He can only hope that Stephanie or perhaps that other witch that Stephanie has been studying with can help his mother.

There has been so much lost time with his mother, his daughter and lover. There is no way to go back and retrieve that time, there is only going forward now. But will what happened to his mother make having any kind of relationship impossible? Steven hopes not.

"Stop over thinking things, Steven. I'm sure that your mother will be able to be helped. As for my mother, well, tomorrow you will be able to get your answers. We will get our answers." Because of her mother's actions she can never take her proper place at Steven's side. Had he known before he was made Stephanie's chosen then he wouldn't have done so, wouldn't have been able to since he'd have been wearing her mark.

"I think you know damn well and good that it's easier said then done, especially since you are doing the same thing."

Rikki leans up and gives Steven a kiss and that ends all talk for that night. 

"Father?" Dara asks the silent vampire at her side.

"What is it, Dara?" Tracey asks coming out of his thoughts.

"Would you prefer being with Stephanie tonight?"

Tracey looks at Dara in confusion, "No, had I wanted that then I would have gone to her with the elementalists."

Tracey moves so that he can see his lover better, "What's wrong, Dara? You aren't jealous are you?"

Dara closes her eyes and shakes her head, "No, had she denied me being your beloved then I would have been jealous and likely tried to kill her."

Tracey shakes his head, "You would have been highly unlikely to have succeeded."

"I know, that's why I said tried to kill her. I am aware that I likely would have been killed by you at the very least had I attempted it."

"Then what's on your mind, love?"

"Am I?" Dara asks looking at the man she loves and has loved for centuries.

"Why the doubt? Have I not shown you sufficiently well?"

"You make love divinely, Tracey, you know that. That's not what I'm saying."

"I know, I wasn't talking about that either, but I do thank you for telling me that." Tracey says with a trace of a smirk before becoming serious. "Haven't I shown you how much I love you in other ways outside of the bedroom?"

Dara's eyes fill with tears and she gets upset with that. "Yes, but sometimes a girl needs to hear it. You've never said it to me in all the years we've been together. I know that vampires don't love easily. You've always cared for me, from the first I've felt that, but I've never known if you actually love me. You call others love, like me, so I'm not sure if you do love me or not."

"Oh, Dara, I'm so, so sorry. I've never meant to make you feel unsure about my affections or love. I do love you. I just don't believe in words, they are easily said and just as easily proven to be nothing. I showed you my love, because I believe actions mean more than words."

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