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"Two transportation helicopters and some ground units." Talon says just loud enough for them to hear. "They are trying to surround us."

Stephanie gets a sad look. She might be willing to go to the hell lab, but they won't be going without a fight. More than twenty people and most of them will be dying. She never thought that she would have to kill someone. 

"Sudden wind change works well," Jet tells her how to combat the helicopters.

She nods and suddenly the winds pick up and suddenly changes direction. Then she allows the lightning and thunder that had been building free reign.

She isn't sure which causes the helicopter to lose control but suddenly one of the copters starts falling and soon there is the sound of the impact heard and felt below their feet.

Ethan encourages a fire from the impact to ignite and suddenly ten people are out of the picture.

"These people will be prepared for a great deal of what we might throw at them. They are generally prepared for any of the elements to be used against them." Talon tells her gently. "You will need to think creatively in order to thin their ranks down some more." Talon uses his ability to have the very trees come alive and grab the people and pull them into them as if they are absorbing them for food. Which will happen once they decompose enough. Also sharp points from new growth find their way into the throat causing massive blood loss and death.

Once the rain starts it affects their sight, although that will be limited due to infrared goggles, he has tree roots rise up and trip them and then covers them with dirt.

Jet controls the storm and wind. He takes the wind and lashes the limbs of trees hard enough that the men can't pay attention to the ground and so trip as well. The wind coupled with the rain shortly turns the temperatures to icy conditions and shortly the rain isn't rain, but hail that doesn't fall on them but is like bullets on the ones intent on capturing or killing them.

Stephanie makes sure that their weapons won't fire, or their electronics won't work.

Then she adds to the storm above them and it starts turning as it grows. Shortly there is a super cell above them and a funnel starts forming. 

Jet swallows hard. No wind rider has been able to control a tornado and this can go sideways so fast that it makes him sick just thinking about it.

Soon the tornado is skipping around the area, touching down just seconds before rising once more. The time is short, but the force is deadly.

Stephanie releases the storm suddenly much to the relief of all those with her and the survivors that came after them.

Stephanie is in the middle of the three of them and they are all facing outward, waiting for signs of the enemy they know is still there, although far fewer of them then when they started.

"You were right, Ethan," Stephanie says sadly looking at the destruction they had caused, she had caused.

"About what?" Ethan asks in confusion still focused on the enemy around them. More than half their forces were down, but there were still several left. If they hadn't intended to be taken they could still fight free.

"You said that I would be able to kill under the right circumstances. I didn't believe you when you told me that a year ago. Now look at what I did? I killed more than ten people."

"Keep it together until we've accomplished what you want to do, then we'll break down together." Ethan tells her bracingly. "Now isn't the time to lose control."

"We wouldn't have had to do this if they had let us alone. They came after us. They are the ones loaded with weapons and have them ready to use to shoot us. They consider us subhuman and monsters. We didn't ask for this, we didn't do anything to have them come after us. This is on them, Stephanie, all on them. Remember that." Talon tells her, trying to help her make it long enough that she is able to survive and not be injured before they are able to free themselves. That is his real worry.

They continue fighting until the enemy forces are down to about five. Then they allow the darts with the drug to come through.

Stephanie allows herself to black out but starts the burning of the agent.

She hears voices coming in and going out of focus as she does so.

"She's going into convulsions. Her heartbeat is rapid and thready. Shit! She's throwing up. She must be allergic to something in the drug. Give me the antidote, hurry!"

She feels the syringe and the new injected compound into her body and starts burning that as well. She feels weak. She hadn't expected this weakness. They might not make it after all.

Then she feels a shock.

"We can't lose her. She's prime breeding stock. She's likely just come into her powers and hadn't been trained yet. That's why the males were protecting her and we didn't have any intel on her."

"Amp the electricity. If we don't get her heart going then it won't matter if she's prime breeding stock."

"Clear!" Stephanie feels the burn as the electricity courses through her body and suddenly she feels stronger. Much stronger as the electricity gives her power.

She has too much so she releases some into the nearest electrical outlet. She follows it to the computer system and takes control. She stays unconscious as she works on hacking into the system. She over rides the locks on the doors and unlocks them, but doesn't open them yet. She makes it so the electrical keys will still open and close, but no longer lock. Then she takes over the ventilation system and deactivates the gas that is hooked up to it. Finally she sends everything to her cloud account to be looked over later. Hopefully they will find the money and will be able to find ways of stopping it and also find other hell labs so they will be able to shut those down as well.

Only once that was done does she send the electrical impulse to her boys and they awaken enough to start their own purges. Suddenly the medical teams are being called to them as well.

Only once they are fully engaged does she wake up. She's never been so weak before in her life. If this is what the burning and vomiting does she feels for the prisoners that accept it. She really does. Now how is she supposed to be strong enough to cleanse them when she can barely even sit up? She desperately wants some water but doesn't even have the strength to test the water at her bedside to see if it has been drugged or not.

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