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Stephanie manages to hide her tears until she gets to a place where she can be alone, then they start falling. Not just for Talon staying behind, but for all that has happened in the last twenty-four hours.

Jet comes up to her and wraps his arms around her. Ethan goes to her back and does the same creating a Stephanie sandwich. "He will be alright, Stephanie. He has to be there since he's going to destroy the lab so completely they won't even be able to find it. He can't do that from here."

Here, is a base camp for Luke's pack. The freed prisoners are being sorted out. Some have expressed a wish to stay with Stephanie and others have asked to join with Luke's pack and a few, mostly non shifters, have asked to find their own way.

Most of the ones staying with Stephanie are witches, the elementalists and the few spell/potion witches that were in the prison. Some of the shifters did ask to join her, but she does her best to convince them to stay with Luke's pack. She doesn't think that most of them would do well in the city and would in the forest of Luke's pack lands.

The children that had been born in captivity, almost all are hybrids and are in danger from other supernaturals and so they will be staying with Stephanie. Besides they see her as their savior. Stephanie doesn't like that, but has accepted that she now has her own pack.

She starts on the organizing of her new people. All the children will need education and even some of the freed prisoners will as well.

But first she needs to take a look at the poor female that has gone feral due to the treatments she received at the hands of those damn scientist.

"Stephanie, the human isn't doing to good. The only reason she is still alive is that the female vampire is there and the pack doctors." Jet tells her after he listens to a message from one of the young males from the camp.

They are already with Kelly since they were walking to where his mate is being kept. "If you can't help her then she will have to be put down. She will go on a  killing rampage if she is freed and remains like this." Kelly says watching his mate go crazy, she doesn't even recognize her mate being there.

Kelly is brought out of his sad contemplation of his mate at the words spoken about the mother of his children. Even if only one of them has survived.

"I have a possible solution, since the vampire venom isn't working." Kelly says hesitantly.

"What?" Stephanie is angry and it comes out in her voice, but she's not angry with Kelly.

"My mate has rejected me, I can try marking her and see if that works."

"How would that work? She is human and there is no wolf to give her strength." Ethan asks confused.

"Sometimes, although rare, humans are our mates. Once the marking is given the human can take on some of the traits of the wolf. She will be stronger, faster and better sight and smelling.

"If that doesn't work and you aren't able to help my mate, then she might be willing to bite the girl and give her another host for her spirit. It's never been done, so it might not work and the wolf might not be willing, but, well, it is a way for the girl to survive." Kelly says sadly.

"Or you could just turn her," Stephanie states.

Kelly shakes his head. "I don't think it would work. Very few make the turn when they are fully healthy. She will need a wolf spirit to go into her directly to have any chance of surviving."

Stephanie goes to the wolf since she is the closest of the two that are in need. She has Kelly talk to the wolf and explain what she will be doing. She has Ethan and Jet ready to wrap her in air to keep her from attacking any one, especially Stephanie.

Stephanie pulls the toxins out of her, they wait but there is little change in the wolf before them.

Kelly shakes his head sadly. "The human is gone. The wolf says that she won't tolerate living without a human host, she would lose control and attack people. She is willing to try to change the human girl if the girl will accept her. She won't do it with out the permission of the girl."

The small group goes to the human and Stephanie talks to her. "We need a name for you, what would you like to be called?"

"Cassie, I like the name Cassie." Stephanie smiles gently at the younger girl. 

"Very well, Cassie. It seems that your body is giving out on you. We have two possible ways to help you, but neither one is  a sure thing. But in order to do them we need your permission. The first one is for Kelly to bite you as his mate.

"If that doesn't work, then the wolf that was his mate is willing to bite you and turn you, you would be her human host."

"Wait, won't that make me a werewolf?" Cassie tiredly says.

"If it works, yes, that would make you more likely to live. There really isn't anything else that we can do to save you. Are you willing to try?"

Cassie looks at them and nods weakly. Then she closes her eyes and sighs out as she falls asleep.

Kelly doesn't take any longer and bites her and marks her. At first it seemed to be working, but then she starts losing her blood pressure.

The wolf comes forward and bites her. Shortly the wolf's body falls down, dead. They wait holding their breaths to see if the wolf's sacrifice worked.

Slowly her blood pressure rises and her breathing eases.

"Alpha Stephanie, she is getting stronger." The female vampire says and they all relax and start breathing once more.

"Stephanie, you should rest now." Jet says holding her up.

Ethan smiles at her and assures her that he will stay with Cassie until she wakes up. "Now go and get some sleep." He gives her a kiss and sends her off to bed. After that kiss she no longer is sleepy.

Jet carries her into her bedroom.

Shortly he sets her down and starts to get back up, but she kisses him and that makes it so that he doesn't want to get up.

Soon he stiffens up, "Stephanie, Talon is on his way home. He'll be here shortly."

Stephanie stops and her eyes widen up before she smiles widely. "He's on his way home?" She stops as she thinks about things. "He's okay, right?" Then she frowns, "He's going to be angry, isn't he? About us kissing and me kissing Ethan."

Jet shakes his head, "No, love, he won't be angry as long as we don't take it further. That needs to be done all together. We will need to decide who will go in what order, but we will all be together when you are ready for more."

Stephanie just looks at him and blinks at what he told her. "Okay, not sure what that means, but that will wait for later. You said that he is on his way here?"

Jet smiles and after getting off of her holds out his hand to help her up.

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