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With a great deal of force, Talon manages to tear himself away from Stephanie. He leans his head against hers to catch his breath and she takes the time to do the same.

Once he can speak, "You need to tell me now, to stop, Stephanie. I don't think that I can hold off much longer. I, we, don't want to pressure you, love, not even in the slightest. Tell me to stop and leave the room." Talon is practically in tears as he says this but it can't be forced.

"You must be fully willing for it to work. We are willing to wait for you, for however long, so long as you don't feel pressured. If you need a day, a week, a month, a year, a century. We will wait for you." Talon is practically whimpering at this last bit, he's hurting more than a little and the thought of her needing that much time isn't reassuring.

Stephanie lifts his head up once more and crashes her lips back on his as she mind links with all the boys. "I was crying when I went back to my room because I didn't want to leave. I was already in love with all three of you. It's been hard because you, none of you, showed the least bit of interest in being with me and I've been having very erotic dreams about all three of you."

Stephanie pulls back a little bit disengaging her lips from Talon and says just loud enough for them all to hear, "I'm ready now. I just wasn't sure how to tell all three of you that I wanted each of you and here you all have it figured out who is going to go first..."

Before Stephanie can say anything further Talon steps up the seduction and the steam from the water wasn't the only steam in the room.

"Jet, hold her up." Talon says in between kissing her and helping to remove her clothes. Once the clothes are off he continues with the seduction and has Ethan come help as well.

For the next several hours she is very well loved.

When there had been concern about the walls being thin and some of the supernaturals having extremely good hearing Stephanie created a dead zone of air and showed Talon and Ethan how to control it before she was lost in the ocean of feelings that Talon was creating in her.

Tracey watches the warlock closely. He had gotten many answers from drinking the blood and knows that the warlock, although guilty of being sent to the lab, had only gone to do the only release he knew how. He had been lied to, all the witches had.

Tracey doesn't think that Stephanie will appreciate the boards decision and will likely go after them next.

He has no doubt that she and her chosen will create havoc, but he wants his oathed mistress to do more than just create havoc, he wants her to shut down the board. She needs to be in charge. She is doing what no one else has ever been able to do, unite the supernaturals. With her, old hatreds and long held prejudices have been destroyed.

She is already creating her own army whether she realizes it or not. She just needs a general for her army and there just so happens to be one in the cell before him.

Warlocks are rare, one of the rarest of the witching community. A rank seven in the war division. Damn, the witches wanted Stephanie dead. Even level one warlocks were deadly. The higher the ranking the more deadly they are. In all his years Tracey has never heard of a warlock higher than level eight. Although, he's not sure how they define their levels, or how they can improve, he does know that if they can get Steven on their side, they won't have to kill him. A warlock that powerful can't be allowed to live if he isn't oathed to Stephanie. It would be even better if he was not only oathed to her, but bound to her as her chosen.

Tracey stands up straighter at the thought. Shit! He needs to hurry. There is no doubt that they will be doing the ceremony this night and if they are to ever accept Steven then he'll need to be there as well. Not that it's a given that he'll be accepted, but if he is, then Stephanie will have that option. But only if he hurries.

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