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As soon as both teams arrived at the area where the practice game will happen. And Hinata was so shocked as soon as his eyes landed to the boy in front of him. Hinata couldn't believe who's in front of him right now, he's really shocked right at this moment.

It's him! Kenma! His mind immediately realized.

Kenma on the other hand is not even looking at Hinata. He can't give Hinata just a single glance for unknown reason, Hinata doesn't have any idea why Kenma isn't looking at him even just once.

After the line up both teams are starting to enter the medium sized gymnasium, and Hinata can't help but to approach Kenma.

"You didn't tell me you're from Nekoma!" Hinata sounded so shocked.

Kenma immediately looked away. "You didn't ask.."

"Is that why you said to me earlier see you soon because you knew we'll meet?" Hinata asked.

Kenma nodded.

"How?" Hinata was so shocked that Kenma already knew that they will meet again.

Then Kenma immediately pointed at his shirt where Karasuno High School is written.

But their conversation didn't last long when someone from Nekoma immediately barged in with a threatening aura, and Tanaka immediately rescued Hinata while giving the same threatening aura to the latter.

But both of them were both stopped when Yaku from Nekoma and Sugawara scolded their team mates.

"Who are you talking to earlier?" Kageyama suddenly came to Hinata to ask who is he talking to earlier.

"Oh, he's Nekoma's setter."

"He is? How did you two met?" Kageyama immediately asked as soon as he told him who Kenma is.

"At the street?" Hinata said, not sure if he answered it right.

"Street? You kept meeting big people in weird places, Hinata." Kageyama said with such plain tone as if he's telling Hinata to be mindful of the people he'll meet again next time.

"At least, I got some good friends. How about you Kageyama? You're always grumpy!" Hinata immediately teased Kageyama.

Kageyama glared at Hinata. "Shut up, Hinata!"

"Where's the boke? Why did it disappear?" Hinata teased again.

Kenma is silently watching both Shouyo and a taller boy talking. They look so...close to each other and Shouyo's always laughing when he's talking to that tall guy. They are still at the entrance of the gymnasium because they are still annoying each other with inside jokes the both of them can only relate.

Shouyo looks so happy while talking to that tall guy. He's always laughing and he always teases that tall guy.

Does Shouyo like him?

Why do I care though? Kenma concluded.

Yeah why though?

"You don't look so happy." Kuroo suddenly spoke beside him, which startled him.

"I always look like this." Kenma pointed out.

"Really? You were so excited to got off the bus earlier but when we got here you got that gloomy expression." Kuroo explained while smirking at Kenma.

Kenma glared at Kuroo. "I don't want to hear your opinions."

"Are you jealous of Karasuno's setter?" Kuroo said while grinning at Kenma.

So that guy is the setter Shouyo is talking about? He's glaring at Kenma earlier, maybe that's why Shouyo described him that he's intense?

But they seem to get along so well...

"Yep. You're jealous." Kuroo teased Kenma.

"I'm not."

"You are."

"I'm not."

"You are."

Kenma sighed. "I'm not."

"Don't deny Kenma, you're face is actually posing as if you just lose in an important game tournament." Kuroo bluntly said.

Kenma sighed once again and looked at Shouyo's direction and he can feel something inside him that's feeling strange and it feels like it's squeezing.

Shouyo's now walking towards his team while that Karasuno setter is just at his back, following the orange headed.

"See? You're jealous." Kuroo smirked once again.

"I'm not!" Kenma hissed, starting to get pissed off by Kuroo's teasing.

Minutes later the practice game started. Kenma is just playing like how he used to play, observing the opponent's strength and weaknesses. And the technique the opponent is using and how they can counter it.

"Nice, Hinata!" The other team yelled in glee when Shouyo hit the spike that ripped through the air so fast.

Kenma's eyes widened for a bit but relaxed after

Shouyo can jump. He thought.

Karasuno's setter is pretty good, his tosses are a perfect match to Shouyo's jump and timing. He's hitting the ball with closed eyes that shocked Kenma the most. So all of those insanely fast quicks are all in the setter...Their setter is pretty good for matching Shouyo's jump and spike.

Kenma tsked. Feeling annoyed that Karasuno's setter is the one tossing to Shouyo.

But who else would it be then? The back of his mind immediately asked as soon as Kenma felt annoyed that Karasuno's setter is the one tossing to Shouyo.

Do you want to toss to him? His mind asked him a impossible question again.

Why would I?

Right. Why would Kenma toss to Shouyo? He's on the opponent side and they're clearly rivals in this game, and Kenma should only focus on his team and not on the others.

"Hey, you're spacing out." Kuroo tapped Kenma's back as soon as the rotation changed.

Kenma shrugged. I should focus.

Kenma focused with the game and in the end Karasuno lost the first game they had. Kenma take a look at Shouyo who's completely stunned because his spikes are always blocked by Inuoka.

Kenma can see how fired up Shouyo is and how he wants to play more and what he said didn't even shock Kenma.

"Let's...let's play one more time.."

Kenma should feel tired after that one game but seeing Shouyo so eager for another game he can't just help but go agree on what the latter said about playing one more time.

Shouyo has a strong stamina and he doesn't get tired easily. While, as for Kenma...anytime now he should be getting tired but he still went to play another set with Shouyo.

He just wants to play more together with him...

Even though they're opponents.


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