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The skies are already dark and all the tables they used are already cleaned up, even all the leftovers. In short, the place where they enjoyed their barbecue meal was already cleaned up. Leaving the grassy fields and clean and the wind blowing through the space. As for Kenma and Hinata, they're both just sitting on the high part of the fields and looking up the sky full of stars.

Kenma is just silent the whole time beside Hinata. Hinata is also rarely quiet too, he's just sitting beside Kenma without even saying something. Kenma thought it's really uncomfortable, so he decided to look at Hinata and to his surprise...He saw how pretty Hinata's eyes are while staring up to the nightsky.

He looks so amused and thousands of stars reflects his eyes, it's so mesmerizing for Kenma, he can't stop staring.

"What is it?" Hinata suddenly asked with a soft voice and looked at Kenma, who's face is now red because Hinata suddenly looked at him. He's flustered.

"Uhm..no, you..you just looks so pretty while staring at the stars." Kenma complimented while averting his eyes.

"Eh?! No way! You look ever more prettier, Kenma!"

Kenma just laughed a little. "Yeah sure."

Hinata smiled. "The training camp will end tomorrow.." He said, and that immediately made Kenma's mood sour.

"Yep." He simply answered.

"This is my first training camp ever! And it's so fun! Practicing with Kuroo-san and Bokuto-san is so fun too! But I like being with you every day, Kenma!" Hinata stated and smiled at Kenma, though Kenma isn't looking at him he can already tell that he's showing him that beautiful smile again.

"After this, our team will surely be much more stronger than before!" Hinata eagerly said, and that made Kenma smile.

"Of course, you worked hard so well. All of your hardwork will surely be paid off." Kenma said, complimenting only Hinata.

"I can't wait to fight against your team, Kenma! In a official match," Hinata exclaims with so much excitement in his voice.

"That would be interesting...maybe I'll look forward to it now too," Kenma agrees.

"Yeah right? We will do our best to win!" Hinata proudly said.

"Us too."

They both went quiet for a while and Kenma feel so awkward but he doesn't know what to say. He's not really good at opening up something to talk about, he's introverted after all. He doesn't like socializing, and Hinata is the one who actually approached him. And he's really glad that Hinata did it, because if not. Kenma might be bored to death in this training camp.

"Kenma." Hinata called.

Kenma immediately looked at Hinata. "Yes?"

"Uhm...can..." Hinata looks away with his ears all red. He's shy. This is new. Kenma thought. "Can I hangout with you when training camp is over?," Hinata asks.

"Huh? Of course, we always hang out though even if it's not training camp," Kenma says, reminding Hinata the times he went over to Miyagi just to visit him.

Hinata's ear even went redder. "I mean..I'll go over to you house, this time.." He said shyly. It's a rare sight for Kenma, Hinata being shy. It's very rare, and Kenma finds it so cute and adorable.

"You want to visit our house this time?" Kenma asks.

Hinata nods. "Yes,"


"Uhm..you're the one who's always coming over to Miyagi. I want to go to your house too, didn't we discuss about this before? And you told me you'll let me play your play station, though I don't know how that works. But still you told me that I can go there too... "Hinata explains in a low voice enough for Kenma to hear, but he's still not glancing at Kenma because he's still shy.

Kenma just stared at Hinata, who's now so red compared earlier. Kenma chuckles softly. "Alright, but do you know how to go to Tokyo by yourself?"

Hinata immediately looks at Kenma. "Huh!? It's not that hard right? I'll just ride a train like you do!"

"Yup, but Tokyo's train station is a bit different from here in Miyagi. You might get lost."

Hinata pouted. "I'm not a kid! I can manage!"

"Yup, I know. But it has a lot of people there everyday, it might be hard for us to meet immediately," Kenma says. "As much as I wanted you to come over to our house, I don't want you to be in trouble."

Hinata immediately sulked like a child and Kenma can already tell from his aura that he's feeling down because of what Kenma said. Kenma searched for Hinata's eyes but Hinata just averted his eyes from Kenma. Avoiding eye contact.

Kenma's eyebrows immediately met because of a sudden change of Hinata's mood. He didn't expect Hinata to have some emo sides like Bokuto, too. Did Bokuto brushed it off to him? Since they've been hanging a lot lately, though night practice.

"Shouyo.." Kenma calls.

But no response, he just ignored Kenma. This is surprising, Hinata is usually enthusiastic at everything, seeing him in this phase bothers Kenma. He's not used to it.

Kenma sighs. "Do you really want to go?"

Hinata immediately looks at Kenma, with pleading eyes. "Yes..." He says in a voice of a baby.

Kenma sighed. He's too cute. Kenma doesn't have any choice but to agree, "Alright."

Kenma's answers brightened Hinata's mood even more and without hesitation he jumped straight to Kenma and gave him an embrace. They are still sitting so it's kinda uncomfortable, but Kenma didn't have the urge to complain. This is the first time Hinata initiated to be this close with Kenma, it's surprising.

Kenma held Hinata's back with one hand while his other hand are on the grass to gave him support to keep him from sitting.

"Kenma..." Hinata calls, still embracing him and Kenma can feel Hinata's breath on his ears.


"Can I touch your hair?" Hinata asked, he moved away from Kenma and stared at him. He's didn't moved too far, so their faces are still close with each other. Just inches away.

Kenma blinked many times. "H-Huh? O..Of course," He started to panick. Hinata is too close!

Kenma saw Hinata's hands raising up and getting close to his hair. Kenma gulped and tried to breathe normally. When he felt Hinata's fingers touched his hair, he felt goosebumps all over his body.

"Wow..you're hair is really soft," He complimented.

"Y-Yeah.." Kenma stutters.

Hinata carefully slid Kenma's escaped hair behind his ear, and the feeling of Hinata's finger touching the sides of his face is giving him shivers.

Hinata looked right into Kenma's cat-like eyes and Kenma just stared back.

"Kenma." Hinata calls again.

"Y-Yes?" Kenma answered, nervously.

"Just a little bit more," Hinata paused. "I can feel it Kenma, the kind of emotion you're feeling."

Kenma was speechless and just stared at Hinata's adorable face.

Hinata smiled brightly. "Just wait a little bit more okay? I'm getting there..."

Kenma smiled a little at Hinata. "You don't need to push yourself-"

Kenma was stopped from talking when Hinata suddenly leaned on and he can feel Hinata's soft lips on his forehead. It's the same place Kenma, placed his' on Hinata.

Kenma is almost not breathing because of what Hinata just did.

Hinata looked at Kenma again after doing that. He smiled brightly once again while facing Kenma.

"I'm getting there, Kenma..."


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