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"Your family is very welcoming.." Kenma immediately said while looking at himself at the mirror with his hair braided by Natsu, and even have some cute clips with it.

Hinata on the other hand is watching Kenma remove the clips and fix his hair behind him. Who's actually awed be the view of Kenma removing those cute clips that was put on his hair that made him look so cute.

"Of course! They are my family afterall." Hinata grinned at Kenma.

"Yeah..." Kenma combed his hair and looked at Hinata using the mirror.

Hinata is sitting on his bed behind him while Kenma is squatting on the futon while holding a mirror and fixing his hair.

"What do you want to do? It's still early! You want to play?" Hinata asked while smiling and looking at Kenma with his bright eyes.

Kenma prevented himself from smiling because of Hinata's cuteness. He looks so adorable in his pajamas.

"RPG again?" Kenma asked the latter.

Hinata pouted. "Uhm...that's the only game I know besides minecraft.."

Kenma let out a small laugh. "How cute.."

Hinata heard what Kenma said and his cheeks went red immediately. Kenma saw that reaction through the mirror he's looking in, and the side of his lips immediately rose when he saw how flushed Hinata is.

Kenma placed the mirror on the study desk near him and turned to Hinata, who's face is still red and silently sitting on the top of the bed.

"Shouyo.." Kenma called.

Hinata looked down at Kenma who's sitting on his futon. "Y-Yeah?"

"Are...Are you really close with Kageyama that much?" Kenma asked while staring straight to Hinata's eyes, which made the orange head nervous because of how Kenma stared at him seriously.

"Kageyama? W-Why?" Hinata stutters.

"Are you two really super close?" Kenma rephrased the question.

Hinata's forehead creased a bit because of how random Kenma's question is. But it doesn't matter for him, it's not a big deal anyway.

Now that he think of it, he sometimes consider Kageyama as his closest friend but at the same time his rival.

"We're close but at we also see each other as rivals." Hinata answered, honestly.

Kenma nodded a bit. "Oh...I see."

Kenma suddenly removed his jacket that he's wearing since he got here, and Hinata immediately look away at Kenma who's removing all the heavy clothes that he wore earlier to protect himself from the cold.

Kenma was left wearing a black shirt and his pants.

"Uhm...do you want to change clothes? I have spare clothes.." Hinata immediately suggested.

Kenma nodded. "That would be nice."

Hinata smiled brightly and immediately stood up to go to his wardrobe and look for clothes that will fit Kenma. Good thing that they are almost in the same size and height, so Hinata's clothes will surely fit in Kenma.

Hinata grabbed a pair of pajamas that he rarely use because it's kinda big for him.

"Here!" Hinata handed the pajamas.

Kenma looked at it while still crouched down on the futon.

Kenma leaned in to smell the pajamas and Hinata saw how Kenma's eyes widened a bit when he sniffed the clothes.

Hinata was confused by the sudden action.

"Does it smell bad?" Hinata asked.

"No.." Kenma got the clothes and stood up infront of Hinata.

"It smells like you.." Kenma said, still looking at Hinata.

Hinata pouted. "Do I smell bad?"

Kenma looked at Hinata with his serious eyes and his eyes looked down at Hinata's neck. Kenma gulped when he saw how silky and smooth-looking Hinata's neck is.

Maybe smells good also. He thought.

Kenma leaned closer to Hinata and Hinata was shocked when Kenma suddenly went closer at the side of his head.


Kenma sniffed Hinata's smell, shocking the latter with the sudden action.

Kenma backed away for a bit but still close to Hinata's face, a few inches away.

"You smell good."

Hinata's face is so red and he can literally feel his whole face burning because of what Kenma just did to him.


Kenma smiled a bit at Hinata before moving his head away that made Hinata breath in relief.

"I'll go take a shower." Kenma informed.

"Y-Yes! S-Sure!"

Hinata looked at Kenma who's walking outside with the pajamas in his hand. Hinata's just following Kenma's move until he got outside his room and heard the door closed.

Hinata immediately sat at the edge of his bed and placed his palm over his chest where he can feel his heart beating abnormally fast.

Hinata can't believe what Kenma just did earlier, it made him breathless!

Also, Kenma smells really really good too!

But the fact that what Kenma did earlier made Hinata's heart beat abnormally, he knew that that's not the way a friend should act.

And there's no way, a friend will sniff each other!

Waahh!! What's happening?


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