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When they got home, Kenma and Hinata immediately ate dinner together with Kenma' parents. They put the cake inside the fridge first so it won't melt. As usual Kenma's Mom cooked a delicious dish that Hinata loves, Kenma is quiet the entire meal as usual. When they finished eating their meals, Kenma's Mom got the cake out the fridge and sliced it for them.

"Thank you for bringing us cake, Shouyo-kun.." Kenma's Mom said while smiling at Hinata.

Hinata smiled. "It's not a big deal! Kozume-san!!" Hinata answered.

"Did you have fun going out with Kenma?" She asked Hinata while placing a slice of cake on the saucer and placed it infront of Hinata.

"Of course! We went, to the Zoo, then the Skytree and the Tokyo Tower~~" Hinata shared the places where they went earlier.

Kenma's Dad smiled. "That's nice, Tokyo's view is stunning isn't it?" He asked.

Hinata immediately nodded while eating a spoonful of the cake placed in front of him. "Yes!! It's so cool, and buildings are everywhere. I can even see a mountain too."

"Oh? You mean Mount Fuji?" Kenma's Mom asked, and sat down on the chair when she finished distributing a slice of cake to all of them.

"Yes! The mountain has snow on top, does it always snow there?" Hinata asked while chewing, and Kenma just listened to them while eating his cake.

"Hmm, not really. There are times the summit isn't covered with snow." Kenma's Dad answered.

"Wow! that's really cool, maybe we should go there next time Kenma," Hinata said and looked at Kenma.

"Yeah! We should go there soon, Kenma. Shouyo-kun you should invite your family, 16 years old and above are already allowed to hike at Mount Fuji." Kenma's Mom informed.

"Oh? I have a little sister, is she allowed too?"

"Yes, if she's accompanied with adults. She's definitely allowed," Kenma's Mom smiled.

"Wow!! Awesome! We should try it soon! Right? Kenma?" Hinata asked and looked at Kenma who's eating peacefully.

"I hate tough physical activities, but if your coning it's fine.." Kenma mumbles in a low voice.

"Aw, Kenma that's really sweet. You must like Shouyo-kun as your friend hmm?" Kenma's mom asked.

Hinata smiled awkwardly, doesn't know what to say. "Yeah, he's the best." Kenma said, while looking down at his phone while eating.

Hinata was smiling the whole time while eating, and when they all finished eating. Kenma's Mom volunteered on washing the dishes because she wanted Kenma to rest now because they've been out the whole day. Of course, Kenma immediately agreed and both him and Hinata went inside his room.

"Kenma, I'll take a shower." Hinata says.

Kenma nods. "Okay sure, the towel is on the rack."

Hinata got all of his necessities and Kenma just waited for Hinata to finish, so he enjoyed himself by playing on his PSP. He clipped the sides of his hair and tied the back part, so it won't hinder his view of the game.

He played quietly while waiting for Hinata finish showering, they can't use both the bathrooms for tonight because for sure Kenma's parents will be using one of them. So he just waited for Hinata to finish showering.

When Hinata was finished showering he went inside Kenma's room and saw him playing on his PSP without even changing his clothes that he used earlier, and with clips and his hair tied. He didn't even removed his jacket.

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