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Kenma is just sulking the whole time, it's like he's back from his old self. Quiet and easily annoyed with noise, when he confirmed to himself that he's jealous that feeling just grew stronger inside him. Everytime he sees someone talks to Hinata he feels annoyed, but he knew he shouldn't be like that. He doesn't own Hinata, and Hinata isn't an object. He's so frustrated and at the same time mad with himself.

Their barbecue meal is almost over but he still didn't get the chance to talk and hang out with Hinata. It's really driving him crazy, he doesn't know what to do to make his feelings calm down. He doesn't get jealous over a person easily, but this time? He can't understand why is he getting jealous by the fact that Lev is casually talking to Hinata and sometimes Lev is even placing his arm on Hinata's shoulder.

He never did that!

Kenma just sighed and ate all of the remaining food on his plate and immediately stood up to get out of there.

"Kenma!" Hinata suddenly called his name.

He looked back at Hinata. "I'll just put this aside." Kenma says with a low voice, enough for Hinata to hear. Referring to his used plate.


Kenma just nodded to Hinata and walked back to where their table is placed. Seeing Kuroo and the others there laughing and telling jokes with each other. Kenma sighed once again and put the empty plate together with the used plates his teammates used. He moved to get some cup of water and immediately drank it.

"Kenma?" He heard Yaku's voice.

"Yes? What is it?" Kenma asked as soon as he finished drinking.

"Is something bothering you?" Yaku asked as he looked at Kenma while placing his used plate above the table.

"Nothing." Kenma simply answered, which of course Yaku didn't believe.

"Really? This is the first time I've seen you without a calm and happy face, ever since Training Camp started." Yaku paused and observed Kenma's facial expression more. "You look...annoyed today."

"It's nothing really." Kenma tried to brush it off.

But of course, Yaku didn't leave him alone. "Is it because of Hinata?"

Kenma immediately averted his eyes to other direction, avoiding Yaku's eyes. "It's...It's not."

"Oh, I thought you being with him will only make you smile and happy. I didn't expect him to be capable of annoying you too." Yaku chuckles.

"He..He didn't annoy me." Kenma defended.

"Hmm? Then who is it then?"

Kenma knew Yaku wouldn't leave him alone not until he tells the truth so he just gave up.

"Lev." Kenma answered, and looked at Yaku who's now have a 'i knew it' expression.

"Why did he annoy you again? Did he pushed you to set for him again?" Yaku asked.

"No, that's not the case."

"Then what?"

Kenma looked around making sure nobody can hear their conversation, good thing everyone is busy talking with each other. They wouldn't have time to eavesdrop to their conversation.

"I..I just don't like him hanging around with Shouyo so much." Kenma said which made Yaku laughs in a very adorable way.

"Okay...so you're jealous?" Yaku asked.

Kenma nodded, no point of denying it.

"Why though? Hinata is already yours right? You don't trust him?" Yaku asked. All he knew is that Kenma and Hinata is dating since that's the rumor going around the whole four teams.

Kenma showed a weak smile. "We're not together."

"Yet." Yaku added. Letting Kenma to think positively. "But why though? You two are always together these days, why are you not together?"

"He's still not sure about his feelings, that's what he said. He told me to wait, until he made sure about it. So I am just waiting for him to decide on it.." Kenma explained to Yaku.

"Waiting...huh..." Yaku traced. "That's tough, are you okay with it?"

"About what?" Kenma asks.

"Waiting for a person who is not ready yet." Yaku says.

"I don't mind...it doesn't matter how long I'll wait for him. As long as in the end, he'll end up with me." Kenma tried to smile at Yaku.

"Hmm...that's a fifty-fifty situation, fifty percent that you'll be his end game, and fifty percent that you aren't. You're not so sure about how fate plays, somebody might steal that chance from you if you're not careful enough." Yaku warns Kenma.

Yaku isn't trying to let Kenma down, he's telling Kenma to look at the bigger side of their situation. It's not guaranteed that Hinata's end game is Kenma, there is no assurance of that. Hinata might realize that Kenma is just really a friend to him, or he might realize that his feelings for him are way more deeper. Either two, it has to be the latter.

Kenma doesn't want to hope too much. He'll respect the relationship Hinata can offer to him. A friendship or a romantic relationship, either way.. Kenma will still accept it.

This is like a game for him, winning or losing, whichever the result is he needs to accept it. But deep inside his heart, he knew.... he wanted to win.

Kenma smiled at Yaku, a real one. This time.

"No matter how low my chances are, I'm still determined to win him over. I will not let someone, took the remaining chances left, I will take all of it." Kenma said in a determined voice.

Yaku grinned and tapped Kenma's shoulder. "Now go over there and stop being jealous..."

Kenma nodded. "Thanks, Yaku."

Kenma was about to leave when Yaku suddenly grabbed his wrist making him stop.

"Yes? What is it?" kenma asked and looked back at Yaku.

Yaku smirks and leaned over to Kenma to whisper. "Plus, Lev is already mine. There's no way he'll be interested with another chibi other than me."

Kenma was surprised with what Yaku just said but he felt relief.

Lev and Yaku? What kind of relationship will that be? In terms of height, Yaku is definitely the baby. But in personality? It's Lev.

Kenma suddenly wonders, who is the real baby between him and Hinata.

Is it me or Shouyo?


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