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Hinata's mind was blank for almost a week already. Ever since Kenma visited his house last five days his mind has been blank all the time. He couldn't forget what just happened between the both of them the last time they met. He can't get it out of his head, his mind keep replaying what happened that night.

"Hinata you're spacing out again, InterHigh is near you know.." Tanaka said while drinking water from his tumbler and wiping his sweat.

They are taking a break from their practice, and Tanaka noticed Hinata spacing out a lot.

"Ahm..sorry Tanaka-senpai, I was just thinking something..." Hinata scratched the back of his head.

"Oho? Thinking of something? Tell me what is it Hinata! I can help you, I'm your senpai afterall!"

Hinata gulped while looking at Tanaka, hesitating if he should really tell him or not. But Hinata trusts Tanaka, it should be fine since they're close friends already.

"Tanaka-senpai, if Nishinoya-senpai kisses your forehead how will you react?" Hinata asked innocently while looking at Tanaka with his usual bright eyes.

Tanaka's eyes widened because of the orange headed's question. "Where is that coming from? Did Kageyama kiss your forehead?"

Hinata immediately flinched and his expression immediately crumbled because of what Tanaka said.

"No way! That's...that's impossible!" Hinata said.

"Oh yeah? That's what I am thinking about your question earlier too." Tanaka said. "But if it's Noya we're talking about..."

Tanaka paused for a moment and moved closer to Hinata to whisper something.

"He's currently going out with Asahi-san, but you shouldn't tell since it's a secret..." Tanaka whispered.

Hinata's jaw dropped when he heard what Tanak said. "Whaaaaaa? Noya-senpai and Asahi-san is-" Tanaka immediately covered Hinata's mouth.

"Ssshh!" Tanaka put his index finger above his lips. "I told you it's a secret!!"

Hinata's eyes immediately squinted while looking at Tanaka unbelievably.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tanaka asked.

"It's a secret yet you told me."

Tanaka laughed. "Come on! I also found it out myself! Noya wouldn't tell me if I didn't saw them!"

"It's their own thing you know..." Hinata said in a low voice.

"It can't be help! What's done is done, anyway..did someone really kissed your forehead?" Tanaka asked, recalling what they talked about earlier.

Hinata shyly nodded and Tanaka's eyes widened even more and couldn't believe what he just known.

"Eh??? Who?? Is this really serious?" Tanaka clarified.

Hinata pouted. "Of course!! Do you think I'm lying???"

Tanaka laughed nervously. "Ah hehe, sorry...I just couldn't believe.. So who it is?"

Hinata immediately moved away from Tanaka and glared at him seriously.

"I'm not going to tell you, you might tell anyone just like what you did with Asahi-san and Noya-senpai's secret..." Hinata scoffed.

"Alright!! I won't tell anyone about yours!" Tanaka said while even crossing his heart and raising his palm.

But Hinata didn't buy it. "I don't believe you..."

"Well, that's a bummer...but if it's a woman then go for it. But if it's a male...maybe he has a crush on you? Does he like you?" Tanaka asked.

Hinata immediately shrugged. "I don't know, he haven't told me anything, after that he just went to sleep."

Oh, I slipped.

"WHAAATTT?!! YOU EVEN SLEEP WITH HIM??!!" Tanaka said in a loud voice causing some members to look at their direction, but didn't mind it after.

Assuming Tanaka is just being a crazy person, like always.

"Tanaka-senpai!!! Ssshh!" Hinata silenced him.

"Okay, okay..sorry. But did you really sleep with him?" Tanaka asked.

"We share the same room but not the same bed."

"You should have ask him since you're that close to him!"

"It can't be helped! I was too shocked, I couldn't even process what happened. I stayed all night, awake." Hinata admitted.

"Ah...good thing I am loyal to Kiyoko-san, but anyway you should ask him what he feels about you. It can't be just friendly gesture..."

Hinata nodded. "I was thinking of asking him, but am I not thinking so high about this? I might be just assuming things.."

"There's nothing wrong with asking, he did something that will make you assume that so it's fine...you're going to be okay. Just ask him." Tanaka tried to encourage Hinata.

Hinata smiled because of that.

"I will! Thank you! Tanaka-senpai!!"

Tanaka laughed, adorably. "Of course! Whenever you need me! I'll be here!"

"You're the best!" Hinata complemented while keeping the bright aura around him.

Right, I'm just gonna ask him when we meet again.


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