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He misses me...that words replayed inside Hinata's head a lot of times. He can't forget about it! Even though they're now in his house and playing games, having fun, eating snacks that his Mom prepared for him and also snacks that Kenma bought. He actually bought some snacks!

Is that why he asked earlier what's his favourite snack? Because he's going to bought it here? Hinata's face is still flushed and still couldn't move on from what just happened earlier and what did Kenma said to him a moment ago.

How can I even forget about it???

Kenma looked at Hinata who's holding his phone but didn't tapped anything on the screen or even moved his character a bit.

"Shouyo.." Kenma called.

But Hinata's mind is so pre-occupied at the moment.

Kenma lowered his phone and tilted his head to take a good look at Hinata's face and his eyebrows immediately shot up when he saw how red Hinata's face is. His whole face is actually red like a tomato.

"Shouyo.." Kenma called again but Hinata's still not responsive.

Kenma sighed. "Hinata."

Kenma's finger poked Hinata's cheek and that's when Hinata came back to his senses and looked at Kenma who's now redder than before.

"K-Kenma! I'm S-sorry! I was thinking of something!" Hinata immediately said.

Kenma squinted. "Something...what something?" He asked as he looks at Hinata's bright eyes.

Hinata gulped.

"Just...something!! Let's go back in playing!"

Kenma nodded at Hinata and returned his attention at his phone to continue playing games. Hinata brushed off what he was thinking earlier and started playing the game with Kenma.

They played for long hours and when Hinata felt his fingers are already getting numb he looked at Kenma who didn't even feel uncomfortable. He can play for the whole day without his body feeling numb or aching because of his posture.

And Hinata was impressed by that. He can see how fast Kenma's long fingers are moving and tapping the screen from time to time. His cat-like eyes are even looking at the screen sharply.

Hinata was about to continue playing when he saw Natsu, his sister. Walking inside the living room and looking at the both of them.

"Yes? Natsu?" Hinata asked.

"Dinner time." Natsu informed, and stared at Kenma for a long time.

Natsu's eyes is shining. She walked closer to Kenma and Kenma immediately looked at the smaller version of Hinata. How cute.

"Can...Can I braid your hair?" Natsu asked Kenma.

Hinata eyes widened because of Natsu's sudden question. "N-Natsu!! Kenma might get mad if you touch his hair-"

Kenma chuckled which made Hinata paused from talking. "Sure."

"Wah! Really? Even if I put some clips on you?" Natsu asked, her eyes are still shining.

Hinata's face is becoming red again because of Natsu's sudden question. Hinata is starting to imagine Kenma with clips on his hair, and Hinata thinks it's really really adorable!

"Yes." Kenma nodded.

"But let's eat dinner first!" Hinata immediately said making the two nod to him.

Hinata and Kenma stood up from the couch and started walking to the kitchen while Natsu is still staring at Kenma's hair, adoring it.

"You're not going home until dinner?" Hinata asked.

Kenma looked at Hinata. "I'll eat first then let your sister do my hair and go home." Kenma said.

"E-Eh? But that's..."

"That's?" Kenma traced.

"It's getting late already." Hinata said.

Kenma smiled at Hinata. "It's fine."

"Hinata, Natsu! And Hinata's friend, come and seat, the dinner is served." Hinata's Mom said while placing plates and utensils on the table.

Kenma nodded gently and sat beside Hinata who's drooling over the food infront of him.

They started eating and of course Hinata's whole family is as cheerful and bright just like him. Her Mom is actually very kind and warm to Kenma, plus his sister is so cute and she really looks like the smaller version of Hinata.

"So...Kenma you're from Tokyo?" Hinata's Mom asked Kenma.

Kenma nodded. "I am..."

"You and Shouyo must be close then? You really traveled all the way from Tokyo to here.."

Kenma smiled. "Yeah, we're close.."

Hinata's Mom smiled at Kenma. "It's already getting late is your parents okay with it?"

"I already informed them that I might be going home late, and they just reminded me to be careful and call them if anything happens." Kenma said.

"I see...you should stay over for this night, traveling here to the station is quite dangerous knowing it's already dark.." Hinata's Mom said making both Kenma and Hinata shocked.

Hinata is pursing his lips preventing himself to stay anything because there's a part of him that also wants Kenma to stay over just for this night.

"If it's alright with you...I will." Kenma said.

Hinata's Mom smiled at Kenma while Hinata is stopping himself from smiling because of Kenma's answer.

"I'll ready the futon in Shouyo's bedroom, you clean up here after eating okay?" Hinata's Mom said while looking at Hinata.

Hinata immediately nodded. "Yes Mom!"

Natsu cheered because of the thought of Kenma staying over for the night. "Yaaayy!!! I'll make sure to braid your hair all night!!"

Hinata's Mom laughed. "I'll prepare it now.."

Hinata's Mom stood up and left the kitchen and of course Natsu followed her Mom from walking outside the kitchen, leaving the two all alone in the kitchen.

Hinata immediately looked at Kenma.

"Are you sure about this?" Hinata asked.

Kenma nodded while chewing his food and also glanced at Hinata.

"Why you don't want me to?" Kenma asked.

Hinata immediately shook his head. "Nooo, it's not like that....I was just shocked. Hehe."

Kenma smiled at Hinata. "It's alright."

"But tomorrow's Monday! You need to go to school tomorrow!" Hinata immediately said.

"It's fine, I'll leave early in the morning before my classes starts." Kenma assured the latter.

Hinata pouted. "If you say so..."

Kenma's smile grew wider because of Hinata being cute right infront of him.

Hinata just continued eating and even while eating his mind is starting to imagine things that he shouldn't imagine.

He still can't believe Kenma is staying over for the night! And Hinata started to plan what they would do the whole evening. This should be fun!

Should we play games the whole night?


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