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"Karasuno lost." Kenma immediately looked up to Kuroo the moment he heard that.

Is Shouyo okay? The first thing that registered into his mind.

"Are you worrying about your boyfriend at this moment?" Kuroo asked Kenma while wiping his own sweat and giving Kenma a meaningful look that annoyed Kenma the most.

Kenma glared at Kuroo. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Oho? You didn't tell him yet?"

"There's no way, I'm going to tell him. He sees me as his close friend, I can't just ruin that by telling some weird things." Kenma said and glanced away from Kuroo.

Kuroo sat beside him on the bench. "Are you okay with that?" He asked.

"I don't mind. As long as I can stay close to him."

"We're going to have a training camp soon, I'm pretty sure Karasuno will be there." Kuroo said surely.

"Training camp is getting nearer so you should start calling all our team mates and tell them to practice." Kenma says, ignoring Kuroo's assumption about Karasuno attending their Training Camp.

That would be actually nice for Kenma, seeing Shouyo again will please him. But at the same time, he wants to distance himself for a bit to him.

He already did something reckless the last time they were together. And Kenma thinks Shouyo isn't comfortable with that.

Who would kiss their male friend on the forehead?

Kenma will be grossed out when Kuroo does that to him! But...Shouyo is a different case. Kenma likes him, and with Shouyo around...Kenma will keep messing up and do things that might destroy their friendship.

Kuroo scoffed. "Those guys can handle themselves. I'd like to talk to you more."

"Why? You're going to ask about that tall guy in Karasuno again?" Kenma looked at Kuroo with a disgusted face.

Kuroo laughed hard. "Come on! Spill some information, I only saw him once you know...but I can tell he's pretty hot." Kuroo paused and moved closer to Kenma. "I already told Bokuto about him...we're going to talk to him this upcoming Training Camp..."

Kenma shrugged. "I'm pretty sure he won't even talk to you, because he'll find you weird."

"Don't be like that!! I believe in my charms." Kuroo said proudly.

"Don't get so cocky. He'll ignore you, trust me. He's a serious type, I can tell." Kenma said while recalling what he observed about that guy back then during the Practice Game.

Kuroo looked at Kenma unbelievably.

"You're so mean, chibi-chan won't like you like that." Kuroo teased.

Kenma sighed and looked away at Kuroo. "It actually doesn't matter, I told you."

"Wow, Kenma...you're so whipped."

Kenma ignored what Kuroo said and tossed his phone out of his pocket to talk to Shouyo and ask if he's fine.

From: Kenma
Subject: (none)
are you okay? i heard what happened

Luckily Shouyo immediately replied back.

From: Shouyo
Subject: (none)
I don't know...( •́ ̯•̀ )

From: Kenma
Subject: (none)
we have no practice tomorrow, you want me to come over?

From: Shouyo
Subject: (none)
Us too...Coach Ukai told us to rest..

From: Kenma
Subject: (none)
i'm free tomorrow, are you free too?

From: Shouyo
Subject: (none)
Yeah...you can come over tomorrow...there's something I want to ask too..

From: Kenma
Subject: (none)
is everything okay? are you okay?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Yep
I was just feeling kinda down but I'm fine (◕◡◕)

From: Kenma
Subject: really
are you sure? i can come over right now if you want

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: really
Whaaaa? There's no need! Tomorrow is fine! And it's getting dark at this moment

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: Re: really
You must be tired too...from your practice..

From: Kenma
Subject: okay
alright, i will come over tomorrow do you want me to bring snacks?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Sure!
Just don't bring too much!! (๑>؂< ๑)۶

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: Sure
did i bring too much last time?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Superrr
Yuppp!! Natsu and I spend our whole day eating those chips and Mom got mad hehehe (ll๐ ₃ ๐)

From: Kenma
Subject: sorry
okay, i won't bring too much this time

From: Shouyo
Subject: Thanks
Thanks a lot Kenma!!!

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: Thanks
it's not a big deal, i can come over everytime you wanted me to.

From: Shouyo
Subject: (none)
Waaahhh?? That's too much Kenma!! You don't need to come everytime to hang out, I can come there too...

From: Shouyo
Subject: (none)
I want to come to Tokyo too! Hehehe.

Kenma smiled because of that. Shouyo is so adorable and always straightforward.

From: Kenma
Subject: really?
you want to come to tokyo, too?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: really?
Yupppp!!!! I want to go to your house too!

From: Kenma
Subject: (none)
there's nothing special in my house, though i have a lot of games...you want to play PlayStation?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Eh?
PlayStation...what's that?

From: Kenma
Subject: game
a video game console.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: game
I don't exactly know what that is but it sounds expensive and fun!!! Let's play it!! When I come over to your house! (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑

From: Kenma
Subject: sure
when you come over let's play.

Kuroo suddenly tapped Kenma's shoulder making Kenma flinch a bit.

"Practice is over, we need to clean up." Kuroo says.

Ah...Kenma hates cleaning up the mess they made while practicing. It's making him tired.

Kenma nodded at Kuroo.

From: Kenma
Subject: bye
i need to go now, the practice is over.

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: bye
Alrightyyyy!!! Bye, Kenma!! See you tomorrow!! ๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑

From: Kenma
Subject: Re: Re: bye
see you.

Kenma turned his phone off and slid it inside his pocket and started picking up the balls they used to practice earlier.

I need to prepare for tomorrow. He thought.

Wondering what snacks he would bring this time.

I hope Shouyo is really okay...


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