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Six days of training camp, things turned out pretty well, and time flew very fast. The whole team just finished their practices and all of the Coaches decided to reward all the players with barbecue. Because of that all four teams are so fired up and got suddenly hungry by the thought.

Kenma instantly look around the area to find Hinata and his eyes brightened up immediately when he saw him with his teammates and putting food on his plate.

"Go on, you can go there." Kuroo whispered when he noticed Kenma is just staring at Hinata's position.

"But...he's with his teammates that would be awkward.." Kenma says and looked at Kuroo with his usual uncomfortable expression.

Kuroo frowned. "Come on, everybody in this training camp already knows about you and chibi dating. They knew all along." Kuroo said meaningfully, surprising Kenma.

"W-What? Where did that came from? We..We're not dating..." Kenma stutters.

"Oh yeah sure..sharing meals with him, waiting for him until our practice with Bokuto, Akaashi and Tsukishima is over, letting him borrow your nekoma jacket at night when you escorts him back to their assigned room, smiling to him from ear to ear, letting him borrow your PSP, letting him touch your hair...and hmm... oh yeah! Tossing to him without even complaining!" Kuroo elaborates. "You're doing those things without you and him dating, are you going to bathe him, dress him, feed him when you starts dating already?" Kuroo joked.

Kenma was speechless of how observation Kuroo was to them. But instead of letting Kuroo tease him, he thought of a way to tease the rooster-head.

"Oh yeah? Atleast, I can do that. How 'bout you? Getting depressed yesterday just because Tsukishima rejected you?" Kenma teased back, making Kuroo squints his eyes at Kenma.

"I told you not to say something about that!" Kuroo hissed. "And he didn't rejected me! He just said that he have no time for those things and is not interested with me.."

Kenma laughed a bit. "That's the same."

"It's not." Kuroo defends.

"Yes it is."

"Nope, it's not."

"Yes it is."

"No-" Kuroo took a glance at Kenma's back. "Oh, chibi is walking towards here."

"Yes it is-wait what?" Kenma was startled and immediately looked behind him and saw Hinata smiling and walking towards Kenma with bunch of food on his plate.

"Kenma!! Let's eat together!" Hinata says.

Kuroo immediately smirks. "You two are dating." He whispers at Kenma and walked towards the barbecue grill to burn meat.

Kenma just sighed and looked again at Hinata and Kenma can feel his day immediately got better when he saw Hinata right in front of him with a bright smile.

"I'll just get my food." Kenma says.


Kenma immediately moves to where the food is and started filling his plate. When he's doing that Hinata patiently waited for him and happens to see Inuoka walking towards him and Inuoka immediately smiles when he saw Hinata and waved at him.

"Shouyoo!!!" Inuoka greets loudly, and of course Kenma heard that.

Kenma was immediately irritated when he saw Inuoka greeting Hinata and smiling at him and even calling him at his first name. He quietly continued putting food on his plate as he listens to Inuoka and Hinata's conversation.

"I heard you're practicing with Kuroo-san and Bokuto-san!" Inuoka says.

"Yup!! You should join too! It was fun!!" Hinata invites Inuoka making Kenma even more annoyed.

"Really??? But today is the last night you'll practice!! I was late! I should join next time!" Inuoka said, reminding Hinata that today is the Sixth day of the training camp and tomorrow will be the last day he's spending time with Kenma always. They'll be back with their usual routine of Kenma visiting Miyagi to hangout with Hinata.

Hinata smiles at Inuoka. "You should! I hope I'll be there too! I won't let you block my spikes again!"

"Let me see you try then!" Inuoka said cockily and Hinata just showed him his smug face.

"Shouyo, let's go." Kenma says when he finished preparing his plate. Hinata immediately looks at Kenma and nodded.

"We'll just eat, Inuoka! See you around!" Hinata bids goodbye.

"Sure! Shouyo!"

They walked farther to where the tables are set and sat on the grass. Kenma was not annoyed now but that annoyance immediately came back when he saw another person walking towards them with a big smile on that annoying face.

"Shouyooo!!!" Lev shouts.

"Oh! Lev!!" Hinata yelled back.

They're best friends now? Kenma thinks.

"Can I sit here with you?" Lev asked Hinata.

"Yeah! Sure!!"

The meal that was supposed to be shared by just Hinata and Kenma was already ruined when Lev joined them and that made Kenma so irritated but he controlled his emotions and didn't let them see the irritation on his face. He just stayed quiet and listen to Hinata while talking, smiles at him when he's talking and immediately glares at Lev when he's the one talking.

The irritation and annoyance that Kenma is feeling isn't normal, to the point that he just wanted for all the people to disappear and let him and Hinata have their own time together. This will be the last whole day they'll be spending together and Kenma doesn't want these people to bother them.

But it can't be helped. He can't be that possessive. He has no rights to get to that point and it frustrates him so much.

Kenma just sighed and looked at Hinata again while he's talking with Lev and smiling and all.

Kenma breathed out heavily.

I'm jealous.


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