Racing Help

638 37 1

"Something's wrong. Davis, do you happen to have another car?"

"On it."

Jason held the phone to his ear the whole time. The commotion was on the line was over. There was only silence. Long, dreadful silence.

Davis' car sped along the motorway, the view flicking past them. Occasionally, he would feel Davis glance worryingly his way.


Jason shook his head, muttering disappointingly, "nothing."

Even if they were travelling a hundred kilometres per hour, it was not fast enough.

Keep your mind clear, Jason.

He turned to look at Davis. "You want me to give you her address?"

"I've got it."

"You... do?"

"Yeah, I went to their house before."

"You did?"

Davis shifted his shoulders, clutching his steering wheels tight. "For dinner."


There was brief silence as Davis took the exit of the motorway, and at that moment, Jason's attention was drawn back to his phone.

"Hello? W-who's there?"

It was the voice of a young boy.

"I'm Jason. Eira's friend. This is Eira's phone, can you tell me where she is?"

"You're not the police."

"I'm not. I'm sorry but you can't call the police."

"Jess said the same."

"Do you know where Eira is?"

Jason could hear his quivering breath. "I-I don't know. M-my sister, they took her."

Who's they? He wanted to ask, but that was a question for later.

"My sister's Jessica Jones, by the way, if you didn't know..." the boy was breathing heavily.


"Are you hurt?"

"I-I don't think so."

"We are coming to help you. Can you tell me, are you at Eira's house?"

"No, my sister's." He sniffed.

Jason put the phone on speaker so Davis could hear the boy relay the address.

"Our house is hard to spot. It has a steep slope."

"Thanks for that. What's your name?"


"Alright, Jake, I need you to do something for me. I need you to go and find Eira."

"I-I'll try."

"You're doing good, Jake."

Jason could hear his heart thumping in his chest. He felt Davis' fleeting glance on him.

There was shuffling. He could hear a door opening and a quiet gasp.

Stay calm, Jason. Stay calm.


Snow. He could hear snow crunching.

"There's... I think that's blood. She's not moving."

Jason paled, a numbness crawling around his head. He gave a glance at Davis and he did the same.

Jason focused back on his phone. He inhaled, "I need you to go and check if she's..." the next bit pained him to say it, "if she's breathing. Okay, Jake?"


Jason's mind raced. He balled his fist, waiting. Davis took a turn, stopping at the red light. Jason watched him tap his fingers on the steering wheel.

Breathing. Shuffling.

"She's breathing!"

Both Davis and Jason stifled a sigh.

"Will you be able to get her inside?"

"I can try."

"If you can't, make sure she's warm and cover her wound."

"What's a wound?"

"Where she's bleeding. Cover where she's bleeding from."


Jason turned his head. "Davis, are we close?"

They were already in a neighbourhood, and Davis was already narrowing his eyes, searching.

"Our mailbox is old and made of mouldy wood."

"Very good, Jake."

Davis nodded toward something of that description. "That's it."

They didn't bother driving down the slope. Davis parked to the side and before he could even pull the gear shift and park properly, Jason opened the door and made a beeline for the house.

The house was fenced. The neighbour's trees irritatingly crossing the boundaries and covering the views of the neighbour's property and garden.

Jason's copper eyes moved, stopping on a familiar figure, lying in the snow.

"A-are you..." the boy wearing a blue puffy jacket stammered.

"Jason. I'm Jason." He could hear Davis' footsteps behind him but he didn't wait.

He approached Eira quickly. Kneeling down, he checked her pulse and felt for any broken bones.

Davis bent down, putting a hand on Jake's shoulder. "You did really good, Jake."

"Did I? I'm a bit tired."

"I know."

Jason slipped his hands underneath Eira's legs and heaved her up from the ground. "I'm bringing her inside. Her breathing is shallow."

Davis and Jake trailed right after him.

"Do you happen to have a blanket of some sort?"

Jason called out orders all out of trained instinct. He laid Eira gently on the ground, carefully lifting Eira's sweater.

He placed his palm on her wound, a nasty cut, glancing at it only when he needed to. Otherwise, his glance always stayed on her pale face.

"You'll be alright..." he whispered.

Davis and Jake came back with blankets. Without needing to say more, Davis brought Jake to sit on the couch, away from where Jason's healing. One smaller blanket was shrouded around Jake's shoulder.

Jason sensed movement. He glanced up, a smile breaking when he saw those pair of blue eyes stared back at him.


Eira smiled weakly. "Hi... you guys took your time."


New added chapter and just wrote it without checking!

Remember to vote or comment! (No pressure tho)


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