Driving in the Cold

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Eira was staring at him, dumbstruck

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Eira was staring at him, dumbstruck. It made Davis slightly uncomfortable and he could feel his cheeks grow warm. He glanced the other way, but couldn't keep his smile off his face.

"Hold up," Davis watched her pick up her mocha and take a generous sip. After she finished, she let out a tiny breath. "That was unexpected."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to do it today." He admitted, shoving a small piece of waffle in his mouth.

"So, it's been on your mind for a while now? You're serious about this."

Davis nodded, speaking gently. "Of course, I wanted to do it. I just needed to pick the right time to ask you out. But since we are here, I thought... might as well."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "It was good, getting it off my chest. My hands are literally sweating from nerves."

Eira chuckled at that, a shine in her blue eyes. "How's your wound, by the way?"

"Changing the subject, are we?"

"It's a genuine question, and don't worry, I don't avoid questions."

Davis slanted a smile. He could almost feel a stinging pain at his side, and he resisted the urge to twitch. A flash of memory flickered past his mind quickly, like shadows play. Eventually, he nodded. "It's better. Healers made the pain go away."

"Will it leave a scar?"

"Faint, hardly noticeable and... it'll fade with time."

"That's good," Eira muttered, eyeing her empty cup of coffee and plate.

Davis grew nervous. "You're going to say 'no', aren't you?"

"Do guys always do that? Fill in an answer before the girl has even replied?"

Davis' eyes rounded at her blunt and honest questions. He took a moment to think, doing his best to provide her with an answer of equal quality. "We're not good with rejections, I guess. But you can say 'no' if you don't want to go out with me. It's your absolute right."

"Will you be all weird after?" Eira raised her brows and Davis mimicked.

"It sounds like you've experienced something like this before?" He giggled and felt his curiosity rise. 

"Many times. A guy asks you out, the moment you say no, you become strangers." She shrugged. "We might once be good classmates or good chat buddies in tech group, but... they just suddenly stop talking to me."

"I promise it won't happen with me. I'll be sad, but I still want to be friends." Davis answered honestly. "You're chill. I'm chill too."

"I'm curious. Why ask me out?"

"Besides the fact that I like you?"

"Yes, besides that."

Davis laughed, perhaps at the calmness in her tone or the graceful composure she holds despite the craziness. No flusters. No shrinking back or ghosting. They were talking with doors and windows wide open. He liked that... which was a bit problematic if she was going to reject him.

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