Savage Love | Taejinkook

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I got the idea for this story from the song 'Savage Love'

"How many times do I have to tell you jin, I don't like you. Just leave me alone"
Jungkook was beyond angry.

"Please jungkook...give me a chance. Atleast one. I've loved you and live confessing for the past 2 years but you keep on rejecting me. Its really painful" Jin was on the verge of tears.

"If it's that painful just leave me alone and fuck off. Last 2 years were the worst yrs of my life. You keep disturbing me always ranting about your love. I fucking hate you seokjin"
Jin felt his heart broke into pieces. He can't bear hearing the love of his life saying he hates him.

Jungkook continued " What do you even think you have for me to like you. Have you ever seen your face in the mirror. What quality does you have to become my boyfriend? To be the boyfriend of the heir of Jeon Corporation? Anything?"

Jin didn't replied anything. He stayed silent. Tears running out of his eyes.

"See, nothing at all. Noone desires you. Don't be a gold digger jin and find someone who's like you, poor and who leads a lowly life like you"

With that Jungkook went away from Seokjin who was left crying in the middle of the school ground surrounded by a crowd whispering something. Little did jin know what someone was watching him with sadness in his eyes.

Jin pov

I can't believed what happened today. Jungkook hates me and he told many awful things to me. He embarrassed me and left me in front of the crowd. My father works as an accountant and we live a normal life. We are not poor but still not rich. But we are poor and lowly in the eyes of Jungkook who was born into diamonds. I loved him since the first day I saw him and was confessing to him since last 2 years. Little did I know that he hates me this much.

No I'm not gonna be weak. I'll show him that I'm strong and others desires me. I have been getting many confessing for the last 2 years but I kept rejecting all cause I was deeply struck in my one sided love with Jungkook. Now it's time to show him what he has missed.

I'm gonna make him jealous and make him come back to me.

(Next day)

Third person pov

Jin spent the last night thinking about plans to make Jungkook jealous. The only way for it is to fake date a guy who is as handsome or more handsome than Jungkook. It's really hard to find such a person but still he knew one person. But he doubted if that person will be willing to help him cause that person is none other than Kim Taehyung!! The future heir of Kim's Enterprises.

Kim's Enterprises and Jeon's Corporations was the biggest companies in South Korea and they both were like rivals. So Jungkook and taehyung didn't fancied each other that much. They were always cold towards each other. But they never actually fights. And taehyung is as handsome as Jungkook...maybe a little more. So the only way to make him jealous is fake date taehyung and make him pretend to be my boyfriend. So jungkook will get jealous and come back to jin. This was Jin's plan

Jin pov

I reached school a little early cause I want to see taehyung. He's in my class but I never actually spoke with him. He appeared to be a cold person. The only time I spoke with him was when I asked him for his answer sheet during an exam cause the teacher asked me to collect every students answer sheets.
Sometimes I caught him staring at me. His eyes seemed trying to tell something to me. His gazes was too strong. But he's always like that. I thinks that's his character like that.

I reached my class and checked for taehyung. But he wasn't there. So i decided to check for him at the garden near the ground. That's were he'll usually be spending time with his friends jimin and yoongi. I want there and my guess was correct. He's was sitting on a bench with eyes fixed on his phone in his hand. I gathered all my courage to call his name.

"Taehyung" He raised his head and looked at me.
"Hey Jin, what brings you here?" He smiled at me. Well I liked his boxy smile. I decided to ask for help fastly coz is he denys I need to find someone else

"Umm taehyung, can you do me a favour?"
"What favour jin?" He asked raising his eyebrows.
"Can you.....fake pretend to" I asked hesitantly
"Whatt!" He asked surprising me. He seemed a little hurt.
"Well you must have known that Jungkook rejected me and told me he hates me yesterday.....he told me as if I was not worthy to be anyone's boyfriend. I want to prove him wrong. I want to make him jealous. So he'll come back to me. It'll be only possible if you agree to be my fake boyfriend. And try to make him jealous as much as possible. " I completed with a sigh.
"Do you think this will be possible. I mean will Jungkook come back to you if you make him jealous " I was taken back my that question. It was one of the things that I never thought. Jungkook will only come back to me if he loves me. But he doesn't even liked me in the first place.
"Umm... I donno but I guess it will work. What do you think. Do you agree?"

Tae pov

I can't believe what I'm hearing. He wants me to be this fake boyfriend when I am dying to become his real boyfriend.

Yes, I love him. I've been in love with him for the past 2 yrs. But I never confessed cause he loved someone else. The heir of your rival company Jeon Jungkook. I badly wanna take jin away from him. Jungkook is very rude and kept rejecting and insulting jin in front of everyone. Well jin doesn't stopped from those. He was persistent in winning Jungkook's love. That's why I never confessed to him. I know he'll reject me. Whenever Jungkook rejects jin I feels a little revived but it hurts to see that bastard insulting my jinnie. I wanna kick him in his balls.

I saw jin while I was walking through the hallway on the freshman's day. He bumbed into me and fell. I helped him getup and asked is he's alright. He shyly nodded his head and walked away from me. From that day onwards I was deeply in love with him. His doe eyes his plump lips his tiny waist his windshield wiper laugh his skin his smile everything about him was perfect and drives me crazy.

I decided to propose him and searched for him. But when I found him the scenes I saw was jin proposing Jungkook and Jungkook rejecting it. I was happy coz Jungkook rejected. But what jin told next broke my heart. He told "I won't stop trying Jungkook. I'll try hard to win your love and nothing can stop me". From that day onwards I never tried proposing him. i watched him silently from afar. Is he's happy then I'm also happy.

Yesterday jin again confessed to Jungkook. Jungkook became to angry and told many rude things to jin. My body was boiled in anger but jimin stopped me from creating a scene there. I was calmed down when I saw my baby crying. I want to hug him and comfort him but I can't... I feel so useless...

I was sitting in the garden usually and hearing music thinking about jin when he came and asked for the favour to fake pretend to be his boyfriend in front of Jungkook. I was a little hurt because I can't be his real boyfriend. But still I can be atleast his fake boyfriend. Is my only chance to show jin how much I love him. So I decided to agree to be his fake boyfriend.

"Ok I agree to be your boyfriend..I mean fake boyfriend"

Finally he smiles at me

Things we do for love💖

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