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"Frank." Lindsey said to her phone. "I need you to come in tonight. I know it's your day off, but I don't care. Pete is too hungover to come to work today. He drank an absurd amount at my party last night. Gerard is already here." Lindsey hung up before Frank could answer.


"We're live." Gerard said. "Hello, hello, hello everybody! If you could tell by my voice I am not Pete. It's Frank! This is Lucy in the sky with diamonds by the beatles." Frank pressed play, turned off his microphone and leaned back in his seat.

Frank looked up and saw Gerard staring at him. Gerard didn't seem to notice that Frank was looking right back at him. Frank smirked, crossed his eyes, and stuck out his tongue. Gerard blushed and looked down at his lap.

Frank saw Lindsey walk in and start talkng to Gerard. But, since they have sound proof glass seperating the room Frank was in and the room Gerard and Lindsey was in  Frank couldn't hear them. Lindsey turned to Frank and drank an invisible coffee and pointed at Frank. "Coffee?" Frank said, even though Lindsey couldn't hear him. Lindsey could read his lips and nodded. Frank made a pouring motion with his hands to signal creamer. Lindsey raised an eyebrow and laughed. She opened the door that led to the room Frank was in. "I could have just walked in here and ask you. Do you want coffee?" Lindsey asked. "Yeah, with creamer please." Lindsey chuckled, "I have never heard you say please." Frank shrugged, "Don't get used to it. That'll be the first and last time." Frank turned back to his microphone after he heard the song end.

"That was Lucy in the sky with diamonds by the beatles. Next up we have hot for teacher by Van Halen. I always wished I was Van Halen, he's got great hair and great skills." Frank turned off his microphone and pressed play. "You're such a nerd." Lindsey said, "I'm going to go get coffee for you two idiots." Lindsey walked out and didn't shut Frank's door. Frank sighed and walked in the room that Gerard was in.

"How you doing?" Frank asked Gerard. "I'm good, how are you?" Frank sighed, "Peachy." Frank sat in the dark green armchair next to the chair Gerard was in. "It's almost Christmas." Frank stated. "Yeah, it is. Good job Frank you know the holidays." Gerard giggled at himself. "Very funny. I'm having a Christmas party want to come?" Frank offered. "Sure." Frank smiled, "Cool. It's on Christmas at six." Gerard nodded and turned to face Frank, "It better be a rager." Frank chuckled, "Oh, it will be."

Frank didn't plan to have a party on Christmas. It was an in the moment decision. Now Frank has to plan a whole party by Christmas which was in a week. Great.

Kind of a shitty chapter.

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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