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Frank dialed Ray's number. Ring, ring, ring. "Hello?" Ray asked."Do people decorate for a Christmas party?" Frank asked. "Don't tell me you don't have a Christmas tree." Frank gulped, "Frank! You don't have a Christmas tree? It's the day before you're Christmas party! We're getting a Chrsitmas tree. I'll be there in ten minutes."

Ray came ten minutes later. He didn't even knocked. Ray walked in, grabbed Frank, and dragged him out his house. "We're getting the best fucking Christmas tree." Frank winced when Ray threw Frank in his car. Ray's a big, strong guy. So even when he lightly shoves someone or swats someone shoulder, it still hurts.

"Where do people even buy Christmas trees?" Frank asked Ray as they pulled out of Frank's driveway. "Let's just got to a office store. That sounds right. Right?" Ray questioned. "Yeah... Sure." Surprisingly, there were Christmas trees.

"Do we need other decorations?" Frank asked Ray. "Yeah, of course. We need Christmas lights, Christmas ornaments, maybe a couple misletoes here and there." Ray winked. "I swear to God if I get stuck under a misletoe with you I will punch the shit out of you."

A little Ray and Frank action!

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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