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Gerard swung open the waiting room doors so hard that it made the whole waiting room stare at the grieving boy. His red hair was in knots from tugging at it, his face was bright red, his eyes were bloodshot, and his throat was sore. "I'm here for Frank Iero." Gerard said in a raspy voice. "Dowm the hall first door on your right." The front desk lady said in a bored voice.

Gerard sprinted to the door and lightly knocked. A nurse opened the door. "You are?" The nurse asked. "I'm Gerard Way." The nurse smiled and opened the door for the sniffling boy. "I'm nurse Kathy. I'm assuming you're a family member of Frank's?" Gerard shook his head, "No. Significant other." Gerard didn't want to look at Frank. He didn't want to see what the accident did to him.

But, when the nurse walked out the room Gerard realised he had to face Frank. Gerard looked down at his feet as he walked to Frank and sat down in the chair next to his bed. Gerard went to grab his hand, even his hand was bruised and cut up. Gerard wondered if he shouldn't look at Frank. If Frank does die, Gerard doesn't want to remember the beuatiful and energetic boy as wounded and barely breathing. Gerard knew he had to look at his boyfriend. He had to.

Gerard gulped and slowly looked up to see Frank. Both of his emerald eyes were closed and had big black bruises around each eye. His face was as pale as a ghost, there were cuts everywhere, there was still small stripes of blood dripping down his face. A few cuts were deep, the deepest one Gerard could see was one going from the center of his forehead down his eyebrow. Gerard shivered.

"You aren't going to die. I know you aren't. You are so strong, so strong. You've dealt with things I've never experienced. You've gotten through that, now you can get through this. I don't believe in luck, but I believe in miricales. If there was a God I'd be praying to him right now, I know you wouldn't like that. The world thinks your the enemy. You don't deserve this. The world might not believe in you, but I do. Please, don't let go Frank. Please don't."

Can you point out the lyrics from Destroya?

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