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Gerard laid in Frank's lap while Frank gently played with his boyfriend's hair. "Can I ask you something?" Gerard asked. "Of course you can." Frank said. "Why do you have so many guitars? I remember you saying it was a long story for another time. Maybe that time is now." Frank got visibly pale. "Are you okay?" Gerard questioned. Frank gulped, "Yeah. Yeah I am. You're right. The time is now." Gerard nodded and sat up so he can look at Frank better.

"When I was a kid I was really close with my father, he was a musician himself. My mother loved music. She played records while she cooked, cleaned, did laundry, while she was writing, or painting. But, on July nineteenth my father passed. I was only seven. My mother was never the same. She practically banned music from the house, music just reminded her of him. I wasn't allowed to play music, even though it was my dream. The older I got the more I realised how in the wrong my mother was. We should have been playing music to celebrate him, to remeber him. Why try to forget such a big part if my life? So, when I moved out I immediatly bought a guitar and started playing. And now I'm here. I play music to celebrate my father." Frank's eyes were filled with tears, but he didn't let a single one drop. Gerard smiled and held Frank in a tight hug.

"If you love music so much, why are you not a musician up on stage?" Gerard asked. "Remember when I said I had a radio face?" Frank asked. "Yeah?" Gerard sais. "That's why. I got teased for being ugly all my life. I got told I didn't have a face to be on stage, or I was too ugly to even exist. It's just stuck with me ever since, even though I'm an adult now. I don't mind being a radio show host, but sometimes I wish I could play for a crowd. Hear them cheer, clap, chant, see the bright lights, and the crowd in front of me. But, that's not how my life turned out. I'm okay with that." Frank obviously wasn't okay with it. It was Frank's dream to be a rockstar.

Gerard scooted as close as he could to Frank. "You are the most gorgeous person I've ever met. I know my words might not take away years of bullying. But, I can try. You are talented, gorgeous, kind, generous, handsome, thoughtful, funny, sexy, bright, and so many more things. You light up a room when you walk in. Hell, you light up the whole universe just by existing. You are the most amazing person I've ever met, and don't ever forget that."

Frank laid his head on Gerard's shoulder. "What's your dream?" Frank asked. "I'm living it." Gerard whispered.

Just a fluffy little chapter, kind of sad, but that's okay!

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