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The nurses let Gerard stay with Frank over night.

The next morning Frank was still unconscious. Gerard hoped that when he opened his eyes he'd be in his own bed, and Frank would be making pancakes in the kitchen. Instead, Gerard woke up with a sore back amd a scared up boy laying in front of him.

Gerard decided to make a phone call. "Hello?" A familiar voice said into the phone. "Hi Ray. Can you do me a favor?" Gerard asked. "Yeah." Ray said. "Can you bring yourself, Lindsey, Pete, and Jimmy to Highland Hospital in New York City?" Gerard asked in a whisper. "Yeah? What happened?" Ray asked. "I don't think I should talk about it on the phone. Ask for room eight when you get here."


The group of old coworkers slowly walked into room eight. They all gasped at once. "Frank?" Ray said. "He isn't awake. The doctors say they doubt he'll ever wake up. But, I've got faith." For the first time ever, Gerard saw Lindsey tear up. Gerard got up out of the plastic chair and hugged Lindsey. She gently sobbed against Gerard's shoulder.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Jimmy asked. "Bus wreck. He was at his last show on tour. Everyone is injured and no one has woken up yet." Gerard stated. Ray rubbed his eyes.

The group all sat in chairs next to Frank's bed. "The crazy thing is that if Frank was awake right now, he'd be joking about he whole thing. That's just who he was. I admire that." Gerard pointed out. "Yeah. I remember in high scchool Frank threatened the teacher that if she gave him a bad grade he would jump out the second floor window. When he got a D- he did exactly that. He broke his arm and everything. Through the whole thing he was laughing and joking. He's amazing." Ray said. Gerard wish he had known Frank in high school. But, he was happy to hear all the insane stories from Ray.

"I remember the first day he worked at Mindless Radio he ran into a wall and got a black eye and a bruise on his forehead. Even though his eye was squinted through the whole day he still had a smile on his face." Lindsey said with a sad smile.

"When I told Frank he was hired he asked me what my address was. I gave it to him thinking nothing if it. When I got home I saw that he drew thank you over and over again in chalk on my driveway. I was sad when it washed away." Jimmy recalled.

"He taught me the importance of music. He showed me that music isn't just for listening, it's for feeling too. I will forever remember when he told me that he just wants to be remembered, even if it was for some bad shit. He'll forever be remembered, and he didn't have to do anything bad to be remembered." Pete said with a soft smile.

They all jumped when the door opened. "Evan Nestor has woken up. He by far has the worst injuries so that gives us more hope for Frank Iero. If he does wake up I will need you all to leave and call a nurse immediatly. If there are too many people it can lead to a panic attack." The nurse left without saying another word.

There was hope.


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