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Ray's house was decorated with streamers, confetti, and balloons. Pete waved at Frank when he walked in and Frank found Gerard talking to Jimmy. "Hi!" Frank said to Jimmy and Gerard. "Hi baby." Gerard kissed Frank's cheek. Jimmy looked at the pair. "Oh? Oh!" Jimmy connected the dots in his head. Jimmy looked to his right and to his left and got close to Frank, "Ray has a spair bedroom upstairs. It's the last door on the right." Jimmy whispered. He winked at Fraank and walked to somewhere else in the house.

"What do people do at a New Year party?" Frank asked Gerard. "I'm not sure, I'm pretty sure everyone here's drunk and it's only," Gerard looked at his watch, "Seven." Frank chuckled. "Oh! I got you something." Frank reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled at a bottle of apple juice. "Here you go." Gerard chuckled and hugged Frank. "Thank you!" Frank handed Gerard the bottle and smiled at the cheerful boy.

Frank found himself sitting in an armchair with Gerard sitting on his knee. "How long have we known each other now?" Frank asked Gerard. "Three months and seven days." Gerard said without hesitation. Gerard blushed and looked at Frank. "God, you're cute." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek and looked around the room.

Frank's attention turned to the front door when Jamia walked in. "Fucking hell." Frank whispered. "What's wrong?" Gerard asked. "Nothing." Frank tried to ignore Jamia, but she already saw him. It was too late. She strutted over to Frank. "Hi Frank." She said in a sultry voice. "Hi." Frank muttered. He did not want to see her. "Whatcha doing." She asked. "Nothing." Jamia raised an eyebrow, "It obviously doesn't look like you're doing nothing." She pointed at the nervous boy in his lap. Frank tried to find someone to help. Soon, he made eye contact with Ray. He put on the best 'help me!' eyes, and Ray understood.

Ray walked over to the group, "Hi Jamia! Come to the kitchen with me, Lindsey brought some great deviled eggs." Jamia obviously didn't want to go, but Ray practically dragged her to the kitchen.

"Follow me." Frank whispered to Gerard. Frank led Gerard upstairs and into the spair bedroom Jimmy mentioned. "Bold move Frankie." Gerard said. "Silly goose." Frank chuckled. "Who the hell says silly goose anymore?" Gerard questioned. Frank shrugged. "I just wanted to get as far away from Jamia as I can. I don't need anybody ruining tonight." Frank held Gerard in an embrace.

"We got thrity more seconds." Gerard pointed out. "Really?" Frank asked. Gerard nodded and pointed at his watch. Now it was twenty seconds.


The two boys were holding each other and swaying back and forth. "This new year will be special." Frank said.


"Yeah?" Gerard asked.


"I can feel it, this year will be a good one." Frank insisted.


"I can feel it too." Gerard stated.


"I can't believe a radio station brought us together." Frank said.


"Did Jimmy hire you?" Frank asked.


"Yeah, why?" Gerard asked.


"Jimmy brought us together. We should be thanking him." Frank pointed out.


"Should we get him a gift?" Gerard asked.


"We can just suck his dick." Frank joked.


"Nasty!" Gerard swatted Frank's shoulder.


"Fine, fine. That was a bit nasty." Frank admitted.


"It was extremely nasty." Gerard giggled against Frank's shoulder.


"I wonder who Jimmy's going to kiss." Frank wondered out loud.


"We can go kiss him." Gerard suggested.


"Now you're the nasty one!" Frank said.


"The only person I'll be kissing is you." Gerard said with a blush.


"Happy New Year." Frank whispered.


"Happy New Year baby." Gerard replied.


Frank smiled, "May I?" Frank asked. "You don't need to ask." Gerard said.

Frank gently placed his lips on Gerard's. They've kissed many times, but this felt different. It felt like a promise. A promise that this year will be great. Full of moments together, full of late night calls, full of fancy dates, full of movie nights together, full of nights getting drunk off apple juice, full of Gerard telling Frank not to smoke so much weed on work nights, full of fancy home dinners, mornings full of Frank attempting to cook Gerard breakfast, days full of love.


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