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"You are both late! I had to have Ray do extra hours and we've been getting emails demanding you to be here! Explain yoursel-" Lindsey cut herself off when she saw the pair. Messy hair, wrinkled clothes, permanent smiles, extremly close together. Lindsey gasped "You guys had sex. Didn't you?" Lindsey questioned. Gerard turned pink and looked down at his feet. "Ha! I knew it! I'll give you guys a pass for now. Get your asses in there." The two boys wordlessly walked to the recording room.

"About time." Ray said as he walked out the recording room. Gerard sat down in his chair and placed his headphones gently on his head. Frank took his place in front of the microphone. "We're live." Gerard said. "Hello everyone! Sorry I was late today. It'll never hapoen again." Frank winked at Gerard and smiled at the blush creeping onto Gerard's face. "Let's start off the day with a slow song. This is just the two of us." Frank muted his microphone and pressed play.

Ray came crashing back into the recording room. Frank walked into the room Gerard and now Ray were in. "What's up Ray?" Frank asked. "You guys fucked?!" Ray shouted. "Shh! Keep it down." Frank demanded. "On a work day? I don't know if I should high five you, congratulate you, smack you, or kill you." Ray sighed. "Why would you kill me?" Frank asked. "I would kill you for making me stay here longer than I should have because you we're in happy sex land. I've been here since three am, it's twelve now!" Ray explained. Frank rolled his eyes, "Head home Toro. You need a nap." Frank said. Ray nodded and slowly walked out the recording room.


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