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"Is something wrong?" It's been three days since Frank told Gerard about Bert. They were at work and Gerard seemed off. "Yeah, yeah. I'm good." Gerard waved Frank off. "Come on Gee. Something's wrong. What's up?" Frank pressed. Gerard sighed, "Bert tried to talk to me." Frank shot out of his seat and gasped. "I'm going to beat the fuck out of him. What did he say?" Gerard sighed, "He, uhm... He just asked what my schedule was and if he can take me for coffee." Frank got red in the face. If Frank was in a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of his ears.

"I'll be right back." Gerard tried to stop Frank, but he was already out the door. "Lindsey!" Frank came crashing into her office. "Ever heard of knocking? Oh God, what happened? You look insane." Lindsey laughed at Frank's red face. "It's Bert." Frank stated and sat down across from Lindsey. "He's talking to Gee and trying to take him out. Do you remember what happened to the last person he took out?" Lidnsey sighed, "Sadly, I do remeber. Frank, I cant fire him. It's not my job, I'm not allowed to. If you want him fired you'll have to talk to Jimmy." Frank smiled, "Where's Jimmy's office?" Lindsey sighed, "Down the hall, take two rights then up the staircase. He'll be the first door on your left." Frank ran out her office without saying another word.

Jimmy almost screamed when Frank went into his office without knocking. "Oh, hey Frank! It's crazy that you've been working here for five years and never been in my office." Jimmy said. "Jimmy. You need to fire Bert." Jimmy sat down and raised an eyebrow, "What happened?" Jimmy asked.

"His additude and personality is getting out of fucking hand. He needs to get out. I'm suprised you don't know what's been going on with him." Frank said as he sat down in a comfortable armchair. "I don't pay attention to any of you guys. What's up with him?" Jimmy asked. Frank unloaded all the information about Bert he had. By the end of Frank's rant his mouth was tired and dry. "Wow... I had no idea. I'll get on it as soon as I can." Frank smiled. "Thank you Jimmy."


When Frank walked back into the recording room he saw the devil himself. Bert talking to Gerard. "Bert. Out." Frank pointed at the door. "What you gonna do about it short guy?" Frank rolled his eyes, grabbed Bert's ear and dragged him out his recording room. "Don't come back." Frank slammed the door and smiled at Gerard. "Hey sugar." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek and sat in a chair.

"What was that all about?" Gerard asked, "Where did you run off to?" Frank smiled at the confused boy, "Just had to talk to some people." Gerard shrugged and looked back down at the notebook on his lap. "What's that?" Frank pointed at the dark brown leather notebook. "A notebook." Frank chuckled, "I know it's a notebook. Are you drawing something?" Gerard nodded, "Can I see?" Frank asked. "Yeah." Gerard handed Frank the book. It was a picture of himself. It was like Frank was looking in a mirror. It was from the neck up, you could see his neck tattoos, his hair looked less greasy in the drawing, he looked handsome as a drawing. "Wow, you're really fucking good." Frank said. "I know." Gerard stated. Frank chcukled at Gerard's confidence. "What? You got to be confident in what you do or else you won't get anywhere. I can't sit here being like, oh I'm not that good, when I know I am good." Frank looked up at Gerard. "That's actually very wise." Frank whispered. "It's about time you realised how wise I am." Frank smiled and kissed Gerard's cheek.

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