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"This is Friday I'm in love by the cure." Frank muted his microphone and pressed play. Frank saw Gerard waving his arms at Frank through the glass. Frank chuckled and opened the door. "What was that for?" Frank asked. "I just wanted to get your attention." Gerard grinned. "What's up?" Frank asked. Gerard sighed, "What are we?" Gerard questioned. "Well, I'm assuming we're dating. We don't have to if you want to." Frank offered. "Of course I want to date you." Frank and Gerard smiled at each other.

"Am I interrupting something?" Ray said. "Not at all." Gerard said. "Alright, good. Frank the song you just played ended two minutes ago." Ray said. "Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." Frank ran to the recording room and didn't even sit down before he unmuted his microphone. "Sorry about that everyone. This is an extra long song. Here is how many more times by led zepplin." Frank muted and pressed play.

When Frank walked back into the room Gerard and Ray were in. "Hey Frank. I was just telling Gerard about a New Years party. Want to come?" Ray asked. "Is Gee coming?" Frank asked. "Yeah." Gerard said. "Then I'm coming."

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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