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Frank got better. He did have a limp for a while. He went to physical therapy every other day for five weeks, then he was limp-free. His scars didn't leave though. Frank was left with a big bold scar on his eyebrow and partially on his forehead. There were scars on his knuckles, his chest, and a long deep crimson red scar on on his left calf.

Frank hated them. He said he felt like Frankeinstein. That led to many Frankeinstein dad jokes.

Frank couldn't perform for months. He could barely carry a guitar without shoulder pain. It slowly got better.

Eight months later and he was okay to go on tour. Gerard was very hesitant and nervous about Frank going on tour again. Frank calmly reassured Gerard and went.

Frank came back injury free. He did have a small bruise on his knee from falling off a bunk bed while on tour, but minus that he was okay.

Anytime Frank says anything about being in any remote pain, Gerard immidatly laid Frank down on his back and gives him a massage.

Everyone else in the wreck came out alive. A doctor said it was the most amazing thing he's ever seen. Everyone was convienced no one was going to live. Frank was a walking miricale.

"Sugar?" Frank said. "Yeah?" Gerard asked. "I need to get a tattoo. Right now. I got the tattoo itch I need to scratch." Gerard sighed and grabbed his keys. "Well, let's go then." Frank cheered and ran to the car. He can't run as fast, but he can still run like a bullet.

"What are you going to get?" Gerard asked. "I'm not sure. But I have a spot on my chest that's empty." Gerard knew exactly where Frank meant. Seeing Frank naked many, many, many times makes Gerard know every part of Frank's body. Frank can vaguely describe a body part and Gerard will know exactly what he's talking about. Frank can talk about a single freckle he has and Gerard can point it out faster than Frank can.


Frank didn't tell Gerard what he was getting. Frank sat in the tattoo chair practically buzzing from excitement.

When Frank took off his shirt the tattoo artists eyes went wide and traced over every scar. Even though it's been nine months since the accident, he still had many scars.

The tattoo artist raised an eyebrow, "What's up with the scars?" He asked. Gerard would have been offended and tell him to mind his own damn buisness, but Frank didn't seem to mind. "Bus wreck." Frank said bluntly. The tattoo artist nodded like it was no big deal.


Frank stood in front of the mirror and admired his new tattoo. "You can look now Gee." Frank said. It was a flame with 'HOPE' tattooed in big bold letters. Gerard knew exactly what it meant.

Gerard smiled it the cheerful boy. He seemed so happy about a tattoo with such a dark meaning. Frank was almost dead. And now, he's alive. He had hope.

Gerard had never heard Frank even say the word hope. Frank saw the word hope as a religous word. A lot of people saw the word hope as a religious word. But, with everything Frank experienced, the word hope had a whole new meaning.

New tattoo!

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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