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Gerard's words did take away years of tramua. Frank got the balls to shave off all of his hair and go to a band audition. He was auditioning to play guitar and vocals for a band called Future Violents.

When Frank called Gerard later that night Gerard was not expecting a screach and a jumble of words. "I got in to the Future Violents! I'm in a band Gee! A real one!" Gerard understood all of it though. Gerard giggled and rushed to Frank's house to celebrate.

Gerard eventually revealed his dream to write comics and one day make a TV show. Frank said, "I followed my dreams all because of you. Now you do it." And Gerard did. He made a comic franchise called The Umbrella Academy, and only one year after the release Netflix contacted Gerard to make a Netflix show based off The Unbrella Academy. It was a huge hit.

They both quit their jobs. They'll miss everyone and will always thank the crew for bringing them together. But, it was time to move on.

They moved in together. They got a small house in Belleville, New Jersey. They could never leave their hometown.

The Future Violents rebranded themselves to Frank Iero and The Future Violents. It was everything Frank dreamed of. Sweaty nights in tour buses, crowds of people chanting his name, long tours, meet and greets, releasing albums and hinting at new songs to random fans.

Once you're at the top, it's all downhill from there.


If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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