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"Lindsey! I need help." Frank shouted after he walked into Lindsey's office. "With?" Lindsey asked. "I need to plan a Chritmas party." Frank sat down in a chair cross from Lindsey. "Why? Oh wait, let me guess. You invited the cute sound guy to a party that doesn't exist and now you need to plan a whole party but really it's just an event to hang out with someone you like." Lindsey said with a straight face. "How did you know?" Frank asked in a shocked voice. Lindsey rolled her eyes, "I know you Frank. It's what you do best." Frank sighed, "Anyways, I need help. Help me, please."

Lindsey pulled out a large binder. "In this binder is all of our coworkers phone numbers and address. It's also full of our coworker's family, friends, everyone. Choose wisely." Lindsey slid the binder toward Frank. "Why do you have this?" Frank asked, "Why wouldn't I have it?" Lindsey smirked, "Don't hurt yourself carrying that with your noodle arms." Frank huffed and picked up the absurdly heavy binder and walked out the office.


"Hey Ray, want to help me plan a Christmas party?" Frank asked. Frank could hear Ray chuckle through the phone, "I mean... Alright. See you in ten minutes." Frank said a quick thank you and hung up.


Knock knock. "Come in!" Frank shouted knowing it was Ray. "Let's plain a mother fucking party!" Ray shouted. "Lindsey gave me this binder." Ray gasped, "She gave you the binder?" Frank raised an eyebrow, "What's up with everyone and this binder?" Frank asked. "She never gives anyone that binder. People think it's not even real. People think it's an urban legend. You got the binder!" Ray sat down next to Frank and stroked the binder. "You seem very excited about this binder. Are you sure you aren't turned on by the binder?" Frank whispered. Ray swatted Frank's shoulder, "You twat." Ray whispered.

Frank flipped open the binder and groaned, "I'm already tired." Ray chuckled, "We'll get through this together." Frank looked at the first couple of names. "You're not inviting Bert, right?" Ray asked. "Hell no. Absolutely not. Don't need no creep in my house." Ray highfived Frank, "That's what I'm talking about." Ray smiled.

After five hours. Yes, five hours. Frank and Ray got through the whole binder. They had a list of fifty people.

"I'm going to pass out." Frank groaned. "I need a hit." Ray said. "You got the stuff on you?" Frank asked. Ray pulled out a baggy, "I always do." Frank smirked, "Thank the lords. Weed will get me through this."

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