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Frank and Gerard stood hand in hand in an empty school parking lot. Gerard had a pair of rollerskates in his free hand. "Are you ready?" Frank asked. "Yeah. I can do this." Gerard sat down on the curb and put on the baby blue rollerskates.

Gerard reached for Frank's hands to help him get up off the curb. Gerard bent his knees and held onto Frank's hand like his life depended on it.

"Don't let go." Gerard said. "I won't." Frank promised. Frank held onto Gerard and practically pulled him across the parking lot. As they got to the other side Gerard seemed to relax a little. The grip Gerard had on Frank's hand loosened. "You think you can do it by yourself?" Frank asked. "Yeah. Stay next to me though."

Gerard obviously wasn't great at skating, but he was doing better by the second. By the time he was doing his forth lap around the parking lot, he was smiling and he wasn't tense at all.

"Skate to the grocery store. We can get apple juice." Frank offered. "Alright." Frank walked next to Gerard as he skated to the grocery store.

Gerard even skated in the store. He did receive a few strange looks, and a lot of approving looks. The cashier complemented Gerard and his baby blue skates.

Gerard skated all the way back to the school parking lot while drinking his ice cold apple juice. Frank smiled at his gorgeous boyfriend. His light brown hair was getting long, the part that used to be bleached was now brown. His pale skin shined in the setting sun. He looked like an angle. A badass skating angle.

I hope you liked this chapter.

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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