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Four days.

Four days of not seeing Frank's bright eyes.

Four days of not seeing Frank get excited over puppies while he was on his daily morning walks

Four days of not eating Frank's pancakes.

Four days of not listening to Frank complain about there not being enough vegetarian items on the menu.

Four days of not hearing rough drafts and uncompleted songs that he's unsure about.

Four days of not hearing Frank's shitty dad jokes.

Four days of not cuddling Frank.

Four days of not kissing Frank.

Four days of not hearing Frank's future tattoo plans.

Four days of not kissing Frank goodbye when he went to band practice.

Four days of not seeing Frank play any local shows.

Four days of not hearing Frank cuss out elders that don't know how to drive.

Four days of not hearing Frank talk about the newest guitar.

Four days of not hearing Frank talking about getting a dog.

Four days of not seeing Frank.


If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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