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During the early morning of day five, Gerard heard something.

Gerard shot up his head. He smiled when he saw Frank's leg moving. Gerard stared in awe. At first it was just his right leg, then his left, this the hand Gerard was holding, then the rest of his arm, then his other arm. And last, but not least, his eyes shot open. Frank sharply inaled the air. Soon it turned from heavy breathing to hyperventilating. Gerard pressed the help button and waited for a nurse.

Five nurses came crashing in and escorted Gerard out the room. Gerard wanted to protest but he knew it was no use. Gerard waited right outside the door. But, what he heard was heartbreaking.

Frank was sobbing, harsh sobs. Soon, the sobs turned into words. Frank was begging for Gerard. Gerard wanted to smiled at that, but he couldn't. The way Frank was practically screaming made Gerard want to fall into the floor and never come back up. It shattered his heart. Gerard hoped he never has to hear Frank like this again. He sounded in pain, vulnerable, embaressed even.

A nurse opened the door and led Gerard back in. Once Frank could see Gerard the shouting stopped. Frank tried to sit up but he couldn't. "Sugar?" Frank said in a raspy voice. "Hi baby." Gerard whispered and wiped away a tear that fell down his cheek. "Please come here." Frank begged. Gerard looked at the five other nurses that were standing back. They nodded, giving Gerard the okay he needed.

Gerard kneeled next to Frank's bed. He wanted to be as close as possible without hurting him. Frank ran his fingers through Gerard's greasy hair. He hasn't showered since Frank got here. Hell, he doesn't even have a hotel booked. Gerard kissed Frank's knuckles. He would normally be embarrassed being so intimate with Frank in public, but he doesn't give a fuck right now. His boyfriend was on the brink of death right in front of him. He can kiss his boufriend in public if he wants.

"I-" Frank started, "Shh... You don't need to say anything. It's all okay." Gerard said. Frank nodded and closed his eyes, "I love you." Gerard whispered. Frank didn't respond. But, Gerard knew his answer. He loved him too.

He's alive!

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