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Frank slowly opened his eyes. Frank tried to move but he couldn't. He started to panic and look at his surrondings. He was in his room, everything seemed normal. Frank looked next to him and saw another person. It was Gerard. He was still asleep amd he had an arm around Frank, they're legs were tangled under the covers. Frank touched his own leg and sighed in relief. He was wearing pants.

Frank heard Gerard stirring next to him. Frank stroked his hair until he woke up. Once Gerard realised he was being held by Frank, he smiled. "Goodmorning." Frank said in his scratchy morning voice. "Morning cutie." Gerard kissed Frank's cheek.

"Want some breakfast? I can make some killer pancakes." Frank offered. "I love pancakes." Frank chuckled amd started to get out of bed.


"You were right. You can make killer pancakes." Gerard said with a mouthful of pancakes. "I would never lie to you." Frank said with a smile.

Once Gerrad finished he sat in silence. There was obviously something on his mind. "What's on your mind?" Frank asked. "Nothing, nothing." Gerard muttered. "What's wrong?" Frank asked again. "Last night at the party you said you had a radio face. What does that mean?" Gerard asked. Frank blushed and nervously chuckled.

"I just don't think I have a face people want to look at. I got a radio face, no one has to see me except for my co-workers." Frank said. "That is a whole bunch of bullshit. You should be able to do whatever you want, it doesn't matter what face you have. And just for the record, you have an excellent face. You have a drawable face, great bone structure." Frank chuckled and kissed Gerard's cheek.

"I also have another question." Gerard said, "Yeah? What's up?" Frank asked. "What's up with this Bert guy? No one ever talks about him, to him, never invites him to anything. Did he do something?" Gerard questioed. "He is a creepy mother fucker who does not deserve his job. He hits on girls even when he's dating someone or they are dating someone. He takes his flirting way to far, he touches people where they don't want to be touched. He's just overall, a creep. But, Lindsey can't fire him. Don't ever get involved with him." Gerard's eyes went wide, "Wow, yeah, uhm. Okay. He does sound like a dick. Thank you for the pancakes, again." Frank smiled, "It's no problem sugar."

I wanted this chapter to explain why everyone hates Bert. I know it's a big ferard cliche to have Bert be the bad guy, but I couldn't think of anyone else.

If you have any tips, advice, or ideas



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