The Poor Childhood Sweetheart's Counter Attack (9)

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There are surveillance cameras in front of each classroom, which will be turned on during the exam, so there was no cheating at all. That's why no one questioned Xu Zifan's results, just amazed and shocked. What is it like to go from the bottom of the list, to the top of the class in a month? Did he exchange brains?!

The teacher praised Xu Zifan strongly in the class, even the principal knew about the student who had made great progress. He asked him to share his learning experience in public at the morning assembly and inspire the students.

At the morning assembly, Xu Zifan graciously walked up to the podium, hugged eight notebooks and said, "Hello, everyone. I did well in the monthly exam, Xu Zifan, Class 3, Grade 3, but there isn't any secret to it. My method is to race against the clock to maximize the efficiency of my study. I study until 2 o'clock in the morning, get up at 5 in the morning, do exercises after class, memorize English words and Chinese texts silently on my way to and from school, without wasting any time. However, I do morning exercises every day, and my mother makes soup to replenish my body every night, and my willpower is strong enough to stick to it like this. You can refer to it, but it's not recommended by the school. It is not good to tire out your body, it may lead to weariness.

In addition, the students who know me all know that my foundation is very poor, so I began to review my textbooks from the first grade of primary school. Self-study, and then find a tutor for the things that I don't understand with self-study. These on my hand are all the notes I have made during this period of time, which could be regarded as the sum of the important knowledge points of various subjects, as well as a very thick book of mistakes I made in those questions. If any student needs to borrow a photocopy for review materials, of course, this is the material I summed up with hard work. I think it is no worse than the materials bought in the bookstores. So, I will charge some fees appropriately."

When he saw that the face of the principal next to him had changed, many of the students below began to cheer and smiled calmly: "Although I want to help my classmates selflessly, I think it is more meaningful to earn some pocket money and lighten the burden on my parents when I reach the age of 18. In this way, you don't have to owe me a favor when you buy the information, and it's more comfortable to use it, isn't it?"

The students watched the hustle and bustle and shouted in unison, "Yes!"

Xu Zifan smiled and nodded, "Everyone who works hard and studies hard is to be commended, and fair trade is much more noble than asking for free. I hope the students don't think I'm money oriented. After we enter society, this would just be a trivial matter. Of course, we're still good classmates. With the friendship relations with classmates, the price of my information will be relatively low. Usually, if a classmate asks me a question, I will try my best to help answer it, and there will certainly be no charge. Thank you!"

The students cheered and applauded again. Xu Zifan bowed, returned the microphone to the principal, smiled and nodded to him, and returned to his class queue. The principal smiled and encouraged everyone, and as soon as they were dismissed, he wanted to tell the head teacher of Class three to call Xu Zifan to the office. But how could he possibly have anything to say about Xu Zifan? When Xu Zifan left, he even thought that not giving Xu Zifan money was taking advantage of him and squeezing him for his hard work. The principal shook his head and asked the head teacher of each class to keep an eye on the students. Xu Zifan said that the materials sold were outside of the school grounds, and it really had nothing to do with the school. Anyone who wanted to buy materials could be regarded as buying materials from a bookstore, which might be really useful.

When Xu Zifan came back from the assembly, he met Ji Yuxin. In the hallway Ji Yuxin instantly stared at him. She glanced at him with disdain and said in a moderate tone, "aren't you ashamed of yourself, Xu Zifan? Did the lack of money make you crazy? There are so many people who study well, I don't see anyone else taking notes to make money."

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