The Poor Childhood Sweetheart's Counter Attack (16)

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The Yan family didn't have the new year's atmosphere. Father Yan and Mother Yan were busy holding annual meetings and business trips. They didn't take Yan Yuxin along, and didn't even mention her. They regarded her as a disgrace to the Yan family and doubled her courses. Yan Yuxin's first New Year as the daughter of a wealthy family was like a nightmare. However, her nightmare had just begun. The big gift from Xu Zifan arrived on New Year's day itself..

Li Xudong has added two more women to his list of hookups and changed five female companions in a short period of time! In fact, he changed his female companions so frequently just to get together with them, so as to not let the women have any thoughts that they shouldn't  for a long time and cause trouble with Yan Yuxin. But Xu Zifan directly sent Yan Yuxin photos of him and five girls. Some face-to-face laughing, some kissing when entering the elevator, some cuddling in the room, with even the dates and times of occurrences on them.

Yan Yuxin was furious when she saw the photos, and her first reaction was to find Li Xudong and fix those bitches, but all the girls in the photos had been censored, and only the hairstyles and figures could be seen to be different, leaving only Li Xudong as the person to settle the score with.

Yan Yuxin immediately left her tutor and drove straight to the Li family despite the butler's refusals.

Li Xudong was receiving guests at home with Father Li. The sound of his cell phone exploding with calls were particularly piercing. He quickly pressed 'reject' and apologized. But his phone kept ringing, so he apologized repeatedly and ran out to answer the call, leaving Father Li looking on disapprovingly. In a very bad mood, he picked up the phone and said, "Don't you know what day it is? There must be something going on if I don't answer your call. Why do you keep calling?"

"Why? Hanging out with those bitches? Li Xudong, I'm right outside your door, come out!" Yan Yuxin snapped back furiously.

Li Xudong felt a sudden shock and hurried to the gate with his mobile phone. "What are you talking about!? Who's talking nonsense? Are you planning on giving me a hard time on New Year's?"

"Come out! You come out immediately! Otherwise, I'll post your photos all over the street!"

Li Xudong's footsteps turned into a run. Why were there photos? What photos? His family lived in a villa and he only saw Yan Yuxin after he ran to the main gate.

As soon as Yan Yuxin saw him coming, she slammed a bunch of photos from her hand in his face, and the sharp edges of the photos instantly made two cuts on his face. Li Xudong, who had wanted to appease her, was on fire, "Are you crazy! How dare you do this to me?"

Yan Yuxin pointed towards the photos with red eyes, "What's this? Explain it to me! I listened to those teachers every day to get my parents to approve of me being with you, and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning doing my homework, but what about you? You cheat on me with a mistress? Well, not just a third, but a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth! Have you treated me right?!"

Li Xudong kicked the photo and said angrily, "Did you send people to follow me? What's wrong with me looking for a woman? What rich man isn't out there having an affair? Why are you so anxious when I' m not in front of you? You think I don't know that your parents are ashamed of you for not studying well? What does it have to do with me!"

"Li Xudong! I've given you everything, you're the one wrong here!" Yan Yuxin raised her hand to hit him and was caught by the wrist. She could only reach out to scratch his face. She was so angry that she lost her mind, "What did you promise me? You said you'd love me forever and I'll be the only one! Now you're playing with women? You scum!"

Li Xudong had a bad temper. Normally, he tolerated her because of her identity, but now he had been injured twice in a row. The 18-year-old master with a good temper suddenly became furious. He pushed Yan Yuxin aside and said, "Aren't you still cheating on him with me, yourself? Don't pretend to be pure! So, you're allowed to be together as childhood sweethearts, and have it both ways, but I'm not allowed to spend money on entertainment? At least I got my money's worth. Unlike you, who swindled me with that poor bastard! I haven't settled that score with you yet, and you have the nerve to hit me?"

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