The Poor Childhood Sweetheart's Counter Attack (14)

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When Yan Yuxin came, Mother Xu called Xu Zifan and told him. She now felt her son was very independent and had grown up to be a man who could be independent, so she was used to telling him everything.

Xu Zifan didn't care, of course. He had already blacked out all Yan Yuxin's contact information. She couldn't find him at all. After he and Ji Yaru went to the ice city, they first ate some local classic barbecue. The barbecue here tasted different from other places, with powder-based dipping with little to no sauce.Ji Yaru hadn't eaten the barbecue yet. After the meat dish was served, she watched Xu Zifan put pieces of the meat on a flat pan with holes in the middle of the table. Xu Zifan smiled at her and said, "Why don't you try? It's fun."

 Ji Yaru's first reaction was to think that the charcoal underneath might be carcinogenic. Then she looked up at the surroundings. All the tables were full of guests and people were eating enthusiastically. This restaurant was said to be the best barbecue restaurant in this ice city, and their seats were reserved in advance. So, it was probably wrong for her to think this way. After all, it's no big deal if someone else ate it. It's just that she never ate it at the Yan family before.

Ji Yaru picked up her chopsticks and tried to put up a few pieces of meat, then learned Xu Zifan's movements, turning them over from time to time, but she was inexperienced. After Xu Zifan picked up several pieces of cooked meat, she suddenly found that one piece had been roasted black by her! She quickly picked up the piece and frowned with pity.

Xu Zifan took the meat from her chopsticks, ate it in one bite, and smiled, "This roasted one is another taste. Some people like to eat this kind of fragrant and crisp food. Can you believe it?"

Ji Yaru saw that he ate it quite deliciously. When she really took a dark roasted one to eat, a special aroma in her mouth spread, she nodded. "It's delicious, but it certainly can't be eaten much. It's not cooked well."

"Yes, let's grill it carefully and eat it as soon as it's cooked." Xu Zifan gave her a lot of meat, and began to place potato slices, coriander, leeks, etc on the grill.

 Ji Yaru was dazzled, not knowing some vegetables could be grilled, and how such food could taste that good. Xu Zifan said, "This is roast meat from the north. Korean roast meat is also very special. The sauce matches well and tastes good, we can try it when we go back. If you like eating it, we can also go to the countryside to make our own food during the holiday. It's especially interesting. Many people eat them at parties."

Ji Yaru imagined a scene like that, and actually yearned for it. "Then we'll go when it's warm in the spring."

"Yeah, in winter we can cook hot pot at home, and it's especially lively when several people are eating from a big pot together." Xu Zifan gave her a look and spoke with a smile, "You haven't experienced these before, but they are actually very interesting. Don't think too much, just enjoy them. Don't we live just to be happy and joyful?"

Ji Yaru swallowed the potato chips in her mouth, they were sweet and delicious. She smiled faintly and nodded. "Yeah, you're right."

 That night they saw the ice sculptures. The ice sculptures were not just one or two simple pieces, but they used ice to build many buildings in the big park. There were walls imitating the Great Wall, tall slides, all kinds of characters and animals, as well as ice trees and skating rinks and so on, with colorful lights reflecting off the ice. It was simply impossible to move one's eyes away from them!

They walked amongst the crowd. From time to time, they could hear the voices of tourists marveling at the wonders of nature and the carvings from people. This place had truly become a magical ice city. Walking in it, they were really afraid that they would miss something. Everyone was really excited. Xu Zifan took Ji Yaru to play all kinds of games, took many photos of each other, and asked a passerby to help take a photo of them. When skating, Ji Yaru couldn't, so Xu Zifan held her hands and taught her by skating backwards, taking her with him.

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