Chapter 53

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"I was wondering on how, a mere child like you, manage to gain such knowledge and information. Tell me kid, what's your goal?" Madara asked above us. I saw him adjusting his position and adding another Hashirama's cells to keep the 10 tails steady. 

I shrugged my shoulders on him before widening my senses. The Allied forces still out of my 1KM range so I guess, we still need to prolong the fight. I hope mom, dad, Neji and the others were safe. 

"Perhaps, you're an Otsutsuki's reincarnation? I observed you earlier, kid. You're not using seals." And there he laughed. "We could team up, kid." Hell no. 

"No, thank you. I'm fine and contented being abnormal official Jonin of the Leaf. And hell, I'm not a descendant of the Otsutsuki Clan." They're far superior than any other human. If not for Hagoromo's Six Path Yin and Yang seal, Naruto and Sasuke probably died in Kaguya's hands.  

Another psychotic laugh escaped Madara's lips and here I am, instead getting cringe of his sudden laugh, bro I found it sexy. 

Am I even normal? No. 

"Too bad, we're up to destroy the world." I sighed. 

"Why does every villain's up to destroy the world?" I mumbled before changing my stances to defense. "Kurama-sama, Gyuki-sama, yah guys up?" I asked them. Bee-sama and Naruto immediately switched with their beast to have them talk with me. 

"Brat, do you have a plan? I already told Naruto that the 10 tails is pure Nature Energy. It's hard to counter and it's 10x stronger than I am." Wow, I can't believe this! Is the almighty Kurama-sama finally admitting that someone's still stronger than him? "Oi! You're probably thinking of rude about me, aren't you?" Geh, he figured me out. 

Anyway, I thought for a moment to gather my thought. Since the forces still out of the picture, It's up to us. 

"Alright, I have a plan to make them split up. I can take Obito out of the picture for a while, and I'm counting on you guys to hold Madara until I finally put Obito on his tracks." I gulped. This is probably the most dangerous plan I've ever created. I've got 60% success rate but since It reaches 50% above, I'm gonna 'go' for it. 

It's do or die.

"Oi kid! You know that you can't perform such suicide attack, aren't you? I know what you're thinking, oi!" Gyuki-sama retorted but I just patted Bee's shoulder to ease him. I could feel Kakashi and Guy's worried glare but It's now or never. 

"Gyuki, that's enough. Her decision is complete." Kurama stated calmly. He probably knew that nothing could stop me from executing my plan anymore. "If this plan of yours is success, we'll be waiting for you. We can't take down Madara without you." Actually they can. They have their allied forces, All knowing Hokage's arrival soon and the awakening of Yin and Yang power inside of Sasuke and Naruto's body. 

I nodded on Gyuki and Kurama before looking back to Kakashi. I smiled genuinely when I saw a pool of tears on his eyes. "You shouldn't, Kakashi-niisan. I'll definitely come back... I'll try saving Obito-niisan for you and for him to atone every sins he made." I didn't noticed my tears dripping down my face and I could care less about that. 

"I'm counting on you guys to hold the fort. Don't worry, the forces has entered my range." I smiled at Kakashi before turning my gaze back to Kurama and Gyuki. "I'm going now." 

And there I stepped forward to prepare myself. I casted God Speed to it's fullest. My dark and loose hair turns glowing white and I got shocked for a second since this is my first time using the extent of this technique. I finally got Killua's appearance when he activated this technique. Electricity was visible around me as well as the wind nature that can't penetrate my aura. 

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